Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Aug 16 '05 rus>eng развитие исследований происходит нарастающими темпами ...expansion of this research acccelerated... pro closed ok
- Oct 14 '04 rus>eng общие закономерности изменения характеристик overall patterns pro closed no
- Sep 11 '04 rus>eng При этом не следует упускать из виду Here one should not ignore... pro closed ok
- Aug 30 '04 rus>eng превышение может быть куда большим, чем в X раз may exceed .... by a factor of more than X. pro closed no
4 Aug 3 '04 rus>eng множитель извлекается из решения ...the time term is eliminated from the solution... pro closed ok
- Jul 23 '04 rus>eng прокат черных металлов rolled iron and steel products pro closed no
3 Jul 17 '04 rus>eng размерная рамка drawing bounds pro closed no
4 Jul 16 '04 rus>eng по принципу полосково-расширяющейся линии on the divergent strip line principle pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '04 rus>eng Частота заполнения зондирующих импульсов pulsed probe carrier frequency pro closed no
- Jul 15 '04 rus>eng хордовый chordwise pro closed no
- Jul 14 '04 rus>eng графически совпадать are graphically conformal pro closed ok
4 Jul 11 '04 rus>eng Индекс обозначает принадлежность к The subscript is attributive to pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '04 rus>eng электорнные узлы на печатных платах module boards OR modular circuit boards pro closed ok
- Jul 5 '04 rus>eng профиль инженера програмиста XXX software engineer pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '04 rus>eng pаспорядительная лицензия water rights issuance authority pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '04 rus>eng кривая входит в точку (re-)enters at point b pro closed ok
- Jun 30 '04 rus>eng Джинскрин Плюс АГ/АТ GeneScreen Plus pro closed no
4 Jun 30 '04 rus>eng среда с сопротивлением и отрывным обтеканием resisting medium with detached or jet-type flow pro closed ok
- Jun 26 '04 rus>eng в развитие expanding upon pro closed ok
4 Jun 26 '04 rus>eng исчерпание несущей способности exceeding load-bearing capacity pro closed no
4 Jun 25 '04 rus>eng собственный опыт personal experience pro closed no
- Jun 25 '04 rus>eng охрупчивание при штамповке Be careful with 'штамповка': often would be -- embrittlement in die forging. pro closed ok
4 Jun 23 '04 rus>eng data data are pro closed no
4 Jun 17 '04 rus>eng разрез vs. вырез slit (or linear cut) vs. notch pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '04 rus>eng выкружка concavities pro closed ok
- Jun 17 '04 rus>eng непостижимый totally inaccessible pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '04 rus>eng регулярный по Келлогу Kellog's regular pro closed ok
4 Jun 10 '04 rus>eng под реализацией уравнения понимается выполнение равенства we understand from the equation holding that the following equality is satisfied pro closed no
4 Jun 9 '04 rus>eng деформация, наводящая эффект памяти формы; наведенный ход deformation training the strain memory effect; programmed path. pro closed no
4 Jun 9 '04 rus>eng Там же указаны принятые допущения и обозначения. Conventions and notation adopted are also indicated [there]. pro closed no
- Jun 8 '04 rus>eng умощнитель power switching relay module pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '04 rus>eng лечебная блокада therapeutic block pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '04 rus>eng курс психологической помощи outpatient psychological support pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '04 rus>eng выявить возможность использования establish the feasibility of treating YY patients with XX... pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '04 eng>eng stongly depend depends strongly on/is a strong function of pro closed no
4 Jun 3 '04 rus>eng при возможных схемах расположения for all possible sphere dispositions in the system pro closed ok
- Jun 3 '04 rus>eng КВП vapor ignition concentration (in air) pro closed no
- May 30 '04 rus>eng поддавлены enhanced pro closed no
- May 27 '04 rus>eng говоря более осторожно in broader terms pro closed ok
- May 21 '04 rus>eng отработка метода devising a methodology for pro closed no
- May 19 '04 rus>eng - рекультивация земель soil rehabilitation to support vegetation pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 rus>eng Контрольно-надзорные органы Govenmental safety (code) (compliance) oversight services pro closed ok
- May 18 '04 rus>eng по удачному выражению apt turn of phrase pro closed no
4 May 17 '04 rus>eng [материал], подготовленный к разрушению material ready to fracture (fail) pro closed no
4 May 14 '04 rus>eng Рекомендации...легли в основу дальнейших решений The working group's recommendations provided the basis for XXX's subsequent decisions pro closed no
- May 14 '04 rus>eng неоднократно обращался с предложением самостоятельно урегулировать repeatedly invoked the proposal for independent arbitration of the issue pro closed no
4 May 14 '04 rus>eng отбор запасов withdrawal of reserves pro closed no
- May 14 '04 rus>eng среднеуплотненные дебиты скважин mean well dewatered output rate pro closed no
4 May 14 '04 rus>eng полномодульный завод wholly modularized prefab plant facility pro closed ok
4 May 13 '04 rus>eng граничная образующая bounding generatrices (or generators) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered