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Spanish to English: Covid 19 and the Third Vaccine General field: Medical Detailed field: Medical: Health Care
Source text - Spanish ¿Por qué algunos expertos dicen que no conviene dejarse arrastrar por la 'fiebre' de la tercera vacuna contra el covid-19?
Las autoridades federales anunciaron este miércoles los planes para administrar una tercera dosis de refuerzo contra el covid-19 a partir de septiembre. Sin embargo, la fiebre por la tercera dosis ya se ha desatado y más de un millón de personas ya han recibido esta inyección, a pesar de las dudas por la falta de datos y los dilemas éticos que genera.
Por:: Natalia Martín Cantero
19 Ago 2021 – 06:00 AM EDT
La rápida propagación de la variante delta ha desatado una 'fiebre' por la tercera dosis en EEUU y otros países del mundo desarrollado, y ha dado una vuelta de tuerca más al ya complicadísimo proceso de toma de decisiones en torno a la pandemia.
La Casa Blanca informó el miércoles que, aunque las vacunas continúan siendo notablemente efectivas para reducir el riesgo de enfermedad grave, hospitalización y muerte, incluso contra la variante delta, “la protección contra la infección por SARS-CoV-2 comienza a disminuir con el tiempo después de las dosis iniciales de vacunación”.
Translation - English Why do some say that it's not advisable to let yourself be dragged by the "fever" from the third vaccine against the Covid-19?
The federal authorities announced this Wednesday the plans to administrate a third dose of reinforcement against the Covid-19 as of September.
However, the fever by the third dose has already been triggered and more than a million people had already received this infection, despite the doubts by the lack of sources and the ethnic dilemmas that generates.
By: Natalia Martin Cantero
Aug 2021 - 6:00 AM EDT
The quick propaganda of the Delta Variant had triggered a "fever" by the third dose in the United States and in other countries of the world developed and had given a bigger complicated nut turn process by making decisions about the pandemic.
The White House informed on Wednesday that, even though the vaccines continue being notably effective to reduce the risk of serious sickness, hospitalization, and death, even against the Delta Variant, "the protection against the infection by SARS-CoV-2 begins to decrease with time after the initial vaccination doses.
Spanish to English: Heat, Cold, Nourishments General field: Science Detailed field: Nutrition
Source text - Spanish Calor, frío y alimentos
Los alimentos pueden verse alterados con diferentes factores ambientales como la temperatura, la humedad, el tiempo, etc. Todos los tipos de alimentos contienen microorganismos en su superficie que, generalmente, a temperatura ambiente pueden multiplicarse de manera progresiva afectando a las cualidades de los mismos.
El calor y el frío son propiedades físicas opuestas, pero que se usan para garantizar que los alimentos se encuentren en condiciones óptimas para su consumo. Si un alimento lo sometemos a altas fuentes de calor, es decir, lo cocinamos lo convertimos en apto para su consumo. Sin embargo, si no se puede consumir de forma inmediata, lo mejor es someterlo a procesos de frío para conservar por más tiempo sus propiedades y evitar la proliferación de microorganismos.
Ambas inciden en los alimentos. El calor acelera el metabolismo y el frío lo retrasa.
Lo más importante es una buena cadena de conservación, es decir, desde la producción original (verduras, pescados, carnes...), al trasporte refrigerado y hasta el punto de venta. Por ejemplo, las verduras tras ser cortadas pueden perder hasta un 15 % de vitamina C si no se congelan o se consumen frescas.
El calor y los alimentos
El calor tiene un efecto de maduración en los alimentos. Cuando se realiza de forma controlada, al cocinarlos, se puede transformar ese producto en un alimento adecuado para el consumo humano. Sin embargo, si no está controlado, el calor favorece el crecimiento de bacterias, hongos y así se inutiliza para su consumo.
La única manera que tenemos para garantizar que algunos productos son actos para su consumo es sometiéndolos a altas temperaturas durante el tiempo suficiente:
Los pescados y mariscos pueden contener larvas de anisakis que no soportan temperaturas por encima de los 60º.
La carne cruda puede transmitir toxoplasmosis o contener microorganismos contaminantes.
La leche no pasteurizada puede contener bacterias de listeria -muy peligrosa durante el embarazo-, salmonella, Escherichia coli o C
El consumo de huevo crudo no está recomendado en grandes cantidades porque afecta a la absorción de vitaminas por parte del organismo.
Sin embargo, las verduras y hortalizas son alimentos que generalmente si se consumen en crudo, después de lavarlos o higienizarlos, no producen problemas.
Translation - English Heat, Cold, and Nourishments
Nourishments can see themselves altered with different environmental factors such as: temperature, humid, weather, etc. All of those kinds of nourishments contain microorganisms on its surface that, generally, a temperature setting can multiply by the progressive way, affecting the same qualities.
Heat and cold are opposed physics properties, but are used to guarantee that nourishments are found in optimal conditions for its consumption. If an nourishment conquers to high sources of heat, it is to say, we cook it, we become capable of its consumption. However, if you can't consume into inmediate shape, the best thing is to submit it to process from the cold to conserve by more property weather and avoid proliferation from microorganisms.
Both fall into nourishments. Heat accelerates metabolism and the cold delays it
The most important thing is a good chain of conservation, it is to say, since the original production (vegetables, fish, meat...), to refrigerated transport and to the point of selling. For example, vegetables after being cutted, can lose 15% of Vitamin C, if they don't freeze or consume warmth.
Heat and Nourishments
Heat has an effect of maturity in nourishments.When it performs in a controlled way, to cook them, it can transform that product in a correct nourishment for the human consumption. However, if it is not controlled, the heat favors the belief of bacteria, fungus and so, it is useless for its consumption.
The only way we have to guarantee that some products are deeds for its consumption, is conquering them to high temperatures for sufficient weather:
Fishes and seafood can contain larvas of anisakis that does not support temperatures above 60 degrees.
Raw meat can transmit toxoplasmosis or contain contaminated microorganisms
Pasteurized milk can contain listeria bacteria - very dangerous during pregnancy -, salmonella, Escherichia coli or C
Raw egg consumption is not recommended in huge qualities because it affects the absortion of vitamins by part of the organism.
However, vegetables and garden vegetables are nourishments that generally, if they consume in raw, after washing them or freezing them, they don't produce problems.
Translation education
Bachelor's degree - California State University: Long Beach
Years of experience: 4. Registered at Mar 2021.
My name is Denzel Watson. I am from the United States (Los Angeles, California). I am a college graduate student from California State University, Long Beach in California. In 2012, I attended Santa Monica College and declared Spanish as my major. I graduated in June 2016. I transferred to Cal State Long Beach. In the beginning of 2018, I participated in the Study Abroad Program. I took a semester at University of Alicante/Universidad de Alicante, Spain. After taking a semester abroad for college credit, I returned back to Cal State Long Beach to finish my studies in Spanish and graduated in May 2020 with a BA Degree alongside with a minor in Translation Studies.
During my time taking Translation classes, I had the opportunity to learn about the field, the history and certain software. Thus far, I've had the experiences of working on two softwares such as OmegaT and Aegisub. While learning about those two softwares, it gives me the opportunity to gain experience to know what it is like for translators to use one of those softwares to complete assignments. While mastering those two, I am looking forward to continue on working on assignments, learn about the translation even further, learn new software and brighten my translation skills in two languages.