I have a bachelor's degree in Classical Humanities and Sciences (CT, USA), in Philosophy (Rome, Italy) and in about a year I'll finish my bachelor's degree in Business Management (São Paulo, Brazil). I have a passion for languages which has lead me to be a language instructor and now I'm improving my knowledge as a translator. I'm a translator for a Publishing House since 2019 that I'm helping building and consolidate and I'm striving for creating in this Publishing House a Community of translators that offers the best services and takes care of each translation as unique and make it as accessible as possible to the public.
I work with Portuguese (native), English, Spanish, Italian, Latin (Ecclesiastic) and Greek (Koiné).
I also do my work personally outside the Publishing House as a Freelancer. My files of expertise are: Philosophy, Religion, HR, Business, Finances, Leadership, Training Programs, Psychology, Education, Sociology, Scientific Essays and Studies, Websites, Art and Others.
My last projects has been the Proofreading of the translation into Portuguese of "The Outward Mindset" by Arbinger Institute; Translation and Adaptation of training programs for Lumen Academy of Rain Group Sales Training into Portuguese and Mindsetividad into Spanish.
I already have some goals for 2022 and I hope as you read my bio you get in touch so I can help you with my passion for this profession and offer you the best services being translation, proofreading, transcription or subtitling.
Philosophy, Religion, HR,Business, Management,Finances, Leadership,Training Programs,Psychology, Education,Sociology, Scientific Essaysand Studies, Website, Art