I am a 27-year old dentist. Even though being a dentist is my profession, I have always been keen towards exelling in linguestics, and found passion in learning the depths of both of my mother language (Arabic) and my second language (English) due to my constant need for using them on daily bases.Ever since i was a child, I was put to tasks requiring me to have a high performance level in fluently speaking, writing and basically communicating using both Arabic and English; presentations, formal and informal letters, texts, essays, lectures, interactions with students, collegues and patients, e-mails, scientific articles, populational studies, translating, and the list goes on. this had required me to study in depth the vocabulary, grammer, phonatics and all aspects of both languages to a level allowing me to effortlessly handle both languages. Studying my profession also sharpened my abilities allowing me to be exposed to a very wide range of both medical and non-medical terminologies. Reading and memorizing medical books with thousands of pages and thousands of paragraphs in a short period of time had been a very effective way of training my mind to quickly and effectiently comprehend what my eyes were scaning, take it in, understand it and move on swiftly to the next paragraph. Reading those books also opened my mind to the various ways of assembling sentences, understanding the order information should be put in, how authors constructed their sentences to make them clear, and as you know, the more you read the more it just becomes something you can do subconsciously because it is just simply there in your mind now, right?Also during collage, I studied multiple subjects other than dentistry-related ones, for example: Arabic cources, Physics, Chemistry,Organic Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Cardiology, Embryology, Physiology, Genetics, Community studies, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, the list is actually very long. so I have a wide range of knowladge in a lot of aspects.Regarding Arabic, i can simply say I went through way too many exams and requirements were I scored top of the board; essays, letters, lectures, speaking, grammar, vocabulary, ... and the list goes on.I am seeking to find a way to use my free time to make more money because I do not work daily. |