Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Aug 12 '10 deu>eng Gleisfächer track fan pro closed no
- Nov 9 '09 deu>eng Bruttospeditionsnutzen gross forwarding revenue pro closed ok
2 Feb 7 '09 deu>eng Retourenperformance returns performance pro closed no
- Feb 28 '05 deu>eng Oberboden bottom lining pro closed no
4 Feb 15 '05 deu>eng bestechen durch Keep it simple and forget the "bestechen durch" ... pro closed ok
- Sep 18 '04 deu>eng Bandversorgung Sounds to me like "the delivery [of complete pro closed ok
4 Jul 18 '04 deu>eng Lieferantenstamm (Comment) pro closed no
- Oct 7 '03 deu>eng ein vorbildliches S- und U-Bahn System mit einem weitverzweigten Streckennetz extensive network of first-rate suburban rail and ... pro closed ok
- Sep 18 '03 deu>eng Transitabmeldung The plot thickens ... pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '03 deu>eng Ausliefertouren delivery loads ... pro closed no
- Jun 1 '03 deu>eng im Takt der Montage JIS - just-in-sequence pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered