Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 May 5 '23 eng>eng can we get on with it? now, can we get started? easy closed ok
4 May 18 '22 eng>eng excursions outings easy closed ok
- May 6 '22 eng>eng Medical School subway station station easy closed no
- Apr 10 '17 eng>eng delivered via data rather than SMS you can also send photos and videos by using tablets and smartphones, but not by ordinary mobile easy closed ok
- Apr 20 '16 eng>eng Use of the exclamation mark both are correct easy closed no
4 Jan 3 '16 eng>eng culture vulture nest culture vulture (idiom) easy closed no
- Jan 26 '10 esl>eng en este dia quiero saludar a una persona muy especial on this day, I want to give my greetings to a special person easy closed ok
- Jan 10 '10 dut>eng toponderzoek top research easy closed no
4 Jan 10 '10 eng>chi Ni hao 你好 easy closed ok
- Dec 23 '09 jpn>deu 新しい年へ、行けること den alte Jahr hinausbegleiten easy closed no
- Dec 9 '09 jpn>ita いつもお世話になっております。ご無沙汰しております。そちらはもう寒いのでしょうね。 Buon giorno. È stato un molto tempo. Come sta Lei? Credo che sia già freddo in Italia. easy closed no
- Sep 26 '09 eng>eng nowhere near as See explanation below. easy closed ok
4 Jul 15 '09 eng>jpn The birds ate birdseed in their cages. トリタチガカゴノナカデエサヲタベタ(タベマシタ)。 easy closed ok
4 Jul 11 '09 eng>eng How is number 1? Everyday at six. At what time do you urinate? Everyday at six. easy closed ok
- Jun 17 '09 eng>deu This restaurant serves good food and coffee. Dieses Restaurant bietet gute Nahrung (Essen) und Kaffee an. easy closed no
4 May 20 '09 jpn>eng Mo chotto dake materu. Can wait a little longer. easy closed ok
- May 10 '09 eng>rus I'm thirsty. I need water. Я испытывающий жажду. Мне нужна вода. easy closed ok
2 May 7 '09 ita>jpn ciao - incipit in lettera/cartolina Ya (nome), genki? easy closed ok
4 Apr 28 '09 jpn>eng Watasi no kettai ga nakunatt desu. Okane mo yo. I lost my cell phone. And my money, too. easy closed ok
3 Mar 21 '09 eng>eng Email us now in French contact us right now in french (advertisement) easy closed ok
- Mar 7 '09 deu>eng Kann ich's wirklich? Can I really do that (this)? easy closed ok
- Jan 29 '09 jpn>eng キチンやれば do it properly, do it correctly, do what one should do easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered