Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 21 '03 eng>rus lead СВИНЕЦ easy closed no
- May 11 '03 eng>rus piling crew member свайщик основания сооружения континентального шельфа pro closed no
- May 11 '03 eng>rus BOOK Человек одной книги easy closed no
- May 11 '03 eng>rus On completion of all ducting... По окончанию установки всех вентиляционных каналов... pro closed no
- May 10 '03 eng>eng Argentine or Argentinian It depends whether the text is Am,erican or British. pro closed ok
- May 11 '03 rus>eng обкатка to break in pro closed ok
- May 10 '03 eng>eng 9 is no 9-day wonder No 9 day wonder. easy closed no
- May 10 '03 eng>rus rockbarge Баржи для перевозки булыжников (больших/тяжелых камней) pro closed ok
- May 10 '03 eng>eng back of the ceiling Above the ceiling pro closed ok
- May 9 '03 rus>rus who was the first teacher on earth???? Первый человек-родитель, воспитывающий ребека pro closed no
- May 8 '03 rus>eng двухзонных фильтра давления поверхностью фильтрации – 66 м2 double layer filter pressure with surface of filtration of 66 m2 easy closed no
1 May 8 '03 eng>rus "I've never rode… a horse… before in my life." Yes there is a double meaning and hinting. easy closed no
- May 7 '03 rus>eng работа НА деформации the energy used in the process of deformation pro closed ok
- May 6 '03 eng>eng foundry (in bean industry) The foundry at the company that is owned by Mr Bean. pro closed no
- May 6 '03 eng>eng Johnny on the spot person who is given responsibility pro closed no
1 May 6 '03 eng>eng Halston Rodger Halston pro closed no
- May 6 '03 rus>eng творческие объединения Media Group pro closed ok
- May 6 '03 rus>rus створка откидная защитная крышка pro closed no
4 May 6 '03 rus>eng методические указния по определению остаточных количеств препарата в сельскохозя instructions on methods of detecting residual quantities of chemicals in agricultural produce pro closed ok
4 May 6 '03 eng>eng grammar It depends on the context and usage. pro closed ok
- May 6 '03 rus>eng В продажу поступили came on the market easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 rus>eng Мы строим прочные отношения с клиентами We build strong relationships with clients. easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 eng>eng to say smth not too readily Might not be too willing to commit himself to the answer "No". easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 eng>rus Bench Top Filler for thick products Устройство для облегчения заполнения емкости густой жидкостью easy closed no
- May 6 '03 eng>eng darkness Evil. easy closed no
4 May 6 '03 eng>rus PROD./PCS/H продукция, количество штук в час easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 rus>eng активы The word asset is countable. easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 eng>rus block and bleed (or calibration) of static pressure transmitter Выключить и спустить жидкость (калибровать) из датчика давления pro closed ok
4 May 6 '03 eng>eng 9-fold bowing Yes. The Mandarins were bowing before him nine times. easy closed ok
4 May 6 '03 eng>eng and other worthies and other important and valuable people easy closed ok
- May 6 '03 eng>eng the shadow dictator Ne Win (of Burma) Hidden dictator. easy closed no
- May 6 '03 eng>eng in ever-expanding manifolds of nine Many multiples of nine. easy closed no
- May 6 '03 eng>eng an upstart civilian government Not to be taken seriously. pro closed no
- May 6 '03 eng>eng is fair to see It is beautiful to see. easy closed no
4 May 6 '03 eng>eng folded in mystery Shrouded in mystery. easy closed ok
4 May 5 '03 rus>eng еще сколько-нибудь заметный is still somewhat noticeable pro closed ok
4 May 5 '03 eng>eng "The Way It Wuz Days" American slang expression. pro closed ok
- May 5 '03 rus>eng усредненно ...the microstructure cannot any longer be taken into account on average... pro closed no
- May 5 '03 eng>rus pomogite rasobratsa Сатане необходимо достичь поставленной цели. easy closed no
4 May 5 '03 eng>eng case vs housing vs casing Housing pro closed ok
- May 4 '03 eng>rus print circuit board Плата принтера pro closed no
- May 4 '03 eng>rus Offshore Petroleum Industry Training Organisation (OPITO) Организация по Обучению Персонала Офшорных Компаний Нефтяной Промышленности pro closed ok
- May 3 '03 rus>eng kakoy ti !! You are good/You are bad easy closed no
2 May 2 '03 eng>rus medium (works) результат (продукция) pro closed ok
- May 2 '03 rus>eng по решению экспертного совета as decided by Board of Experts pro closed no
- May 2 '03 rus>eng несоблюдения положений, при условии исполнения которых дано разрешение на особый not following instructions permitting the special method of investment ... pro closed ok
- May 2 '03 rus>eng приказом по предприятию By company order... pro closed ok
- May 1 '03 eng>rus It was copied and re- copied in the original languages, and then translated Библия переписывали и копировали на языках оригинала, а затем переводилась на другие языки. easy closed no
- May 2 '03 eng>rus Managing Challenges of Soft Security Threats Осуществление контроля за угрозами "мягкой безопасности"... pro closed no
- May 1 '03 eng>rus walk-in closet комната-шкаф (Walking closet) pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered