Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Jan 4 '12 pol>eng wykonawca usługi (w przetargu) Contractor pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '11 pol>eng w ramach niniejszej akcji as part of the product withdrawal campaign pro closed no
- Oct 9 '11 pol>eng zarzuty przeciwko żądaniu pozwu demurrer pro closed ok
- Feb 24 '09 pol>eng przepisy wprowadzające ustawę enforcement regulations of the Act... pro open no
4 Feb 6 '09 pol>eng wypowiedź doktryny doctrine does not say anything as regards/about pro closed no
- Jul 24 '08 pol>eng oświadczenie o niekaralności criminal record check pro closed no
- Mar 23 '07 pol>eng zasada niewyrządzania szkody drugiemu non-harmfulness (to others) pro closed ok
- Jun 29 '06 pol>eng przekazanie dowodów handover of evidence pro closed no
- May 19 '06 pol>eng obrady proceeds pro closed no
- May 20 '06 pol>eng zmiany o charakterze systemowym structural changes pro closed no
3 May 17 '06 pol>eng akty stosowania prawa law enforcement acts pro closed no
- Apr 28 '06 pol>eng prawo nie działa wstecz law does not have a retroactive effect pro closed ok
4 Apr 7 '06 pol>eng receipt Protocol protokół zdawczo-odbiorczy pro closed no
- Apr 4 '06 pol>eng prace duties easy closed no
- Mar 28 '06 pol>eng wykreślenie / wykluczenie to expel and remove from the cooperative members' list pro closed ok
- Mar 28 '06 pol>eng z późniejszymi zmianami with later amendments pro closed no
- Mar 2 '06 pol>eng organ stojący na straży prawa to uphold the law fairly and firmly pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '06 pol>eng przed upływem before the lapse of 5 years pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '06 pol>eng pobrać wynagrodzenie za okres urlopowy to collect remuneration for the leave period pro closed no
- Feb 12 '06 pol>eng doprecyzować to precise pro closed no
- Jan 22 '06 pol>eng stanowiąca podstawę constituting the basis lub po prostu being the basis pro closed ok
4 Jan 20 '06 pol>eng wchodzić w życie z dniem podjęcia the regulation shall enter into force on the date of its adoption pro closed no
- Jan 16 '06 pol>eng umowy zobowiazujace do przeniesienia wlasnosci i nieruchomosci agreements entailing the committments to transfer property title and real estate pro closed no
- Jan 16 '06 pol>eng podstawa wlasciwosci prawa dla zobowiazan base for applying to the committments the Polish law as the governing law pro closed no
- Jan 16 '06 pol>eng objaśnianie przeslanek zastosowania art. explaining the reasons for applying articleX pro closed ok
4 Jan 16 '06 pol>eng wylaczac w zakresie swej regulacji excludes, within its scope...(albo zignorować pro closed no
3 Dec 22 '05 pol>eng przyjęte do realizacji accepted for fulfillment/execution pro closed no
4 Nov 9 '05 pol>eng rozlicza sie na deklaracjach files NKP forms to the Social Insurance Office pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '05 pol>eng zarzucać obrazę przepisów prawa materialnego alleging a breach of substantive law pro closed no
4 Nov 8 '05 pol>eng zaskarżyć wyrok na niekorzyść oskarżonego to challenge a judgement to the disdvantage of the accused pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered