Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 14 '13 eng>ara Knowing is half the battle مَنْ عرفَ الحقائقَ بُسِطَت له الطرائق pro closed ok
- Dec 25 '08 eng>ara power of good ذا عون كبير / ذا فائدة جمة pro closed ok
- Nov 28 '08 ara>eng لعل وعسى Wishing for good luck pro closed no
- Oct 30 '08 ara>eng حيص بيص To be on the horns of a dilemma pro closed no
4 Mar 21 '08 eng>ara The sword cuts with its edge, man with his dedication. السيف يقطع بحده المرء يسعى بجده pro closed ok
- Feb 29 '08 eng>ara metal shines with use كالذهب‌ كلّما فَتَنَتْهُ النار زاد جودةً pro closed ok
- Feb 22 '08 eng>ara A rolling stone gathers no moss. إن المُنْبَتَّ لا أرضا قطع، ولا ظهرا أبقى pro just_closed no
- Feb 19 '08 eng>ara one swallow does not make a summer ربّ رمية من غير رام / الخارج عن القياس لاقياس عليه pro closed ok
- Feb 19 '08 eng>ara We gave an inch and they took a mile من لم يقنع بالقليل لا يقنعه الكثير pro closed ok
- Feb 16 '08 eng>ara cold comfort عزاء لا يشفي الغليل pro closed no
- Feb 14 '08 eng>ara (someone) who drawls his words يتكأ على مخارج الحروف pro closed no
4 Feb 14 '08 eng>ara to manipulate the dice so that they fall as one wants them to يمسك نرداً / يمسك الزار pro closed ok
- Feb 13 '08 eng>ara siphon off / to rob the bank or country blind سرقه سرقة نكراء / سرقة ليس ينفع بعدها ارتداء العباءة pro open no
- Feb 13 '08 eng>ara kangaroo court محاكم قوانين الغوغاء pro closed no
4 Feb 12 '08 eng>ara When an insignificant person gets mad at a big shot, the big shot usually has no كناطح صخرة يوماً ليوهنها **** فلم يضرها وأوهى قرنه الوعلُ pro closed ok
- Feb 12 '08 eng>ara .The deserving are being treated just the same as the undeserving الكل يشرب من نفس الإبريق pro just_closed no
- Feb 12 '08 eng>ara to throw out a proposal and then get saddled with the job of carrying it out; to الرجل يربط من لسانه pro just_closed no
- Feb 5 '08 eng>ara what was ugly or worthless seems beatiful or valuable once it has been lost يا ليت حكم بني سفيان دام لنا وعدل بني العباس في النار pro just_closed no
- Feb 3 '08 eng>ara a home away from home في منزلك وأنت لست فيه pro closed no
- Jan 31 '08 eng>ara any word which a person frequently and haphazardly injects into his speech حشو الكلام / حشو الكلام بألفاظ مكررة pro closed ok
- Jan 30 '08 eng>ara tautologizing الحشو في اللغة pro closed no
- Jan 23 '08 eng>ara to fight like cat and dog يرعد ويزبد pro closed ok
- Jan 23 '08 eng>ara to escape (from) (a place) by the skin of one's teeth لقد نجا بقدرة قادر pro closed ok
4 Jan 23 '08 eng>ara Progress cannot be stopped by the criticisms of scoundrels القافلة تسير والكلاب تنبح من خلفها pro closed ok
2 Mar 31 '07 ara>eng والبادىء أظلم the initiator is the darkest / initiator is the aggressor pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered