Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Dec 6 '08 eng>fra just juste; ne que; simplement; seulement easy just_closed no
- Oct 31 '08 eng>eng a chin they could have used on Mount Rushmore. a chin like granite [or a rock] (a hard chin) easy closed no
3 Sep 21 '08 eng>eng Have we no culture, no refinement to acquire... Are we so crude or crass... easy closed no
4 Jul 27 '08 eng>eng pale urgency a weak signal of emergency easy closed ok
- Apr 10 '08 fra>eng l'air franc du collier forthright easy closed ok
4 Mar 10 '08 eng>eng They fall in line to start to accept the rules of a company or other organization; conform easy closed ok
4 Jan 25 '08 eng>eng ...and in that window or room is the woman I love Although I conquer all the earth,... easy closed no
4 Jan 22 '08 eng>fra swollen with sleek metal gonflé [ou boursouflé] de métal aux lignes pure [ou elegant ou raffiné] easy closed no
- Jan 9 '08 eng>eng piano-conductor score a piano score with the various parts marked easy closed ok
- Jan 8 '08 fra>eng Les "historiques" Golden oldies [or Oldies] easy closed no
- Nov 24 '07 eng>eng to go "down Maine" go down Maine Street (or Road) easy closed no
3 Aug 15 '07 eng>fra even and one thing d'un équilibre [spirituel] et d'une unité easy closed no
- Aug 13 '07 eng>fra trippers les excursionnistes easy closed ok
3 Aug 2 '07 eng>fra pure gold delights in the fire l’or pur s’amuse au feu easy closed no
- May 26 '04 fra>eng musique lyrique music-theater or musical theater easy closed ok
- Nov 26 '03 fra>eng toiles cirees oilcloth easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered