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Sample translations submitted: 1
Spanish to English: Proz contest March 08
Source text - Spanish ¿Dónde estás, Lamia, en qué playa, en qué cama, en qué lobby de hotel te alcanzará esta carta que entregaré a un empleado indiferente para que le ponga los sellos y me indique el precio del franqueo sin mirarme, sin más que repetir los gestos de la rutina? Todo es impreciso, posible e improbable: que la leas, que no te llegue, que te llegue y no la leas, entregada a juegos más ceñidos; o que la leas entre dos tragos de vino, entre dos respuestas a esas preguntas que siempre te harán las que viven la indecible fortuna de compartirte en una mesa o una reunión de amigos; sí, un azar de instantes o de humores, el sobre que asoma en tu bolso y que decides abrir porque te aburres, o que hundes entre un peine y una lima de uñas, entre monedas sueltas y pedazos de papel con direcciones o mensajes. Y si la lees, porque no puedo tolerar que no la leas aunque sólo sea para interrumpirla con un gesto de hastío, si la lees hasta aquí, hasta esta palabra aquí que se aferra a tus ojos, que busca guardar tu mirada en lo que sigue, si la lees, Lamia, qué puede importarte lo que quiero decirte, no ya que te amo porque eso lo sabes desde siempre y te da igual y no es noticia, realmente no es noticia para ti allá donde estés amando a otra o solamente mirando el río de mujeres que el viento de la calle acerca a tu mesa y se lleva en lentas bordadas, cediéndote por un instante sus singladuras y sus máscaras de proa, las regatas multicolores que alguna ganará sin saberlo cuando te levantes y la sigas, la vuelvas única en la muchedumbre del atardecer, la abordes en el instante preciso, en el portal exacto donde tu sonrisa, tu pregunta, tu manera de ofrecer la llave de la noche sean exactamente halcón, festín, hartazgo.
Translation - English Where are you, Lamia? On which beach, in which bed, in which hotel lobby will you be reached by this letter, which I am going to entrust to an indifferent postal worker so that he can stamp it and tell me the price without even looking at me, doing no more than repeat the gestures of routine? Everything is equally uncertain, possible and unlikely: that you read it; that it doesn’t reach you; that it reaches you and you don’t read it, given over to subtler games. Or that you read it between two sips of wine, between two responses to those questions that are always asked by people who have the indescribable good fortune to have you at their table or in a gathering of friends; yes, a destiny of moments and moods, the envelope poking out of your handbag that you decide to open because you’re bored, or bury between a brush and a nail file, between loose change and scraps of paper scrawled with addresses or messages. And if you read it – because I can’t stand the idea of you not reading it even if it only means that you end up breaking off with a gesture of boredom – if you read it up to here, up to this very word which takes hold of your eyes, which looks to keep your gaze fixed on all that follows, if you read it, Lamia, what will you care about what I have to say to you? Not about me saying that I love you because you have known this all along and you don’t care and it’s not news. It’s certainly nothing new to you in that place where you are perhaps in love with another woman or simply gazing at the river of femininity that the street’s breeze blows towards your table and then carries off in a slow tack, for a brief instant offering you its drifts and its figureheads, the multicoloured regattas that someone will have won unknowingly when you rise and begin to follow her, when you single her out in that sunset throng, when you approach her at the critical moment, in the exact doorway where your grin, your question, your very manner of offering up the key of night will be indisputably hawkish, gluttonous and replete.
Years of experience: 23. Registered at Mar 2007.
Having moved around plenty in my childhood and lived in a house where languages were varied and revered, it was a natural course after working in several different fields to settle upon translation and teaching. I have been based since 2001 in Barcelona, translating primarily from Spanish and Catalan into English.
The fact of having worked in design, government, journalism, film, high-value sales, internet and music means that I can offer a rare level of versatility and my output tends to be around 100,000 words a month while ensuring that all reasonable deadlines are met (and some unreasonable ones too).
As a writer of novels, short stories and songs, I am highly focused on expression and readability, with a good ear for those moments when a translation contains passages that appear to make sense at first glance but really don't read well to the native speaking audience.
Keywords: translation, traduccion, translator, business, negocios, music, musica, literature translation, medical, english. See more.translation, traduccion, translator, business, negocios, music, musica, literature translation, medical, english, spanish, catalan, localization, tourism, turismo, guide. See less.