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Translation, Editing/proofreading
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English to Afrikaans - Standard rate: 0.40 ZAR per word / 250 ZAR per hour Afrikaans to English - Standard rate: 0.40 ZAR per word / 250 ZAR per hour
Sample translations submitted: 2
Afrikaans to English: Tikhandleiding (gedeelte)
Source text - Afrikaans TIKHANDLEIDING
Die tikwerk wat ‘n sekretaresse voltooi moet altyd netjies, foutloos en professioneel afgerond wees. U tikwerk moet altyd u trots en netheid weerspieël. Poog om altyd die werk volgens prioriteit af te handel. Skryf die datum en tyd op elke inkomende rofwerk neer (dit kan dien as bewys dat die tikwerk nie oud geword het op u lessenaar nie).
Die spelling in u dokument moet foutloos wees. Die foute wat die skrywer maak is ook u fout indien u dit nie korrigeer nie! Raadpleeg die woordeboek of nuutste Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls indien u twyfel oor die spelling van 'n woord. Hou 'n verklarende- sowel as 'n tweetalige woordeboek byderhand by die afhandeling van u tikwerk. As dit nie reeds beskikbaar is nie, versoek dat dit aangekoop word!
Dit is baie belangrik dat 'n hoë tikstandaard gehandhaaf word sover dit die korrespondensie aanbetref wat uitgestuur word na buite instansies. Tikfoute wat met 'n pen gekorrigeer is mag nie uitgestuur word nie. Uitgaande briewe moet op 'n oorspronklike briefhoof getik word. Met ander woorde, moenie 'n fotostaat van 'n briefhoof maak nie.
Moenie 'n “copy typist” wees deur swak sinne en foute net so oor te tik nie. 'n Bestuurder/Maatskaplike werker is verantwoordelik vir die skryf van korrespondensie en dokumente, en soms word hierdie take onder groot druk verrig. Die sekretaresse moet toesien dat die uitleg en die inhoud van alle tikwerk professioneel korrek is voordat sy dit aan die bestuurder/werker oorhandig vir ondertekening.
Tikpapier is 'n duur item en moet daar deurgaans gepoog word om soveel moontlik inligting op 'n bladsy te tik sonder om die dokument se professionele voorkoms in te boet deur dit ingedruk te laat lyk. Indien nodig, maak gebruik van 'n groter of kleiner “font” vir beter spasiëring.
Waak daarteen om die afsluiting (Dankie vir u samewerking. Die uwe en Maatskaplike Werker) alleen oor te dra na die volgende bladsy. (Weer eens, groter/kleiner ”fonts” en kyk na slim spasiëring.)
Spasieer 'n kort briefie netjies oor 'n groter deel van die blad, want daar is genoeg spasie.
Maak gebruik van “Headers and Footers” om bladsye te nommer. Begin die dokument altyd eers op bladsy 2 te nommer. Met ander woorde bo-aan die eerste bladsy staan nie 'n “1” nie.
Nommer die verskillende opskrifte en laat genoeg spasie (nege spasies laat genoeg ruimte vir die nommers van subopskrifte) om die tikwerk netjies te blok. (Let op tikhandleiding se uiteensetting - al die syfers is onder mekaar aan die linkerkant en paragrawe word ingekeep. )
Alle verslae wat uitgestuur word moet voorsien wees van 'n dekbrief en 'n vereiste voorblad. Die voorblad kry nie 'n nommer “1” nie, maar is die eerste bladsy van die verslag. Die bladsy waarop die verslag begin is dus bladsy 2. Die punt (nommer) waarmee die voorblad eindig gaan aan op die begin van die verslag, bv. groen voorblad eindig by punt 8 en verslag begin by punt 9.
Translation - English MANUAL FOR TYPISTS
The typed work completed by a secretary must always be neat, faultless and rounded off professionally. Your typing should always reflect your pride in your work and your tidiness. Always try to complete the work in order of priority. Write the date and time on every piece of rough work that comes in (this may serve as proof that the typing was not delayed on your desk).
The spelling in your document has to be perfect. The mistakes made by the author are also your mistakes, unless you correct them! For Afrikaans texts, consult the dictionary or latest Afrikaanse Woordelys en Spelreëls if you are uncertain about the spelling of a word. For English texts, consult a reputable English dictionary. Keep both an explanatory and a bilingual dictionary at hand in the completion of your typing work. If these are not available as yet, put in a request that they be purchased!
It is very important that a high standard of typing be maintained with regard to the correspondence that is sent to outside institutions. Correspondence that contains typing errors corrected in pen may not be sent out. Outgoing letters have to be typed on an original letterhead. In other words, do not make a photocopy of a letterhead.
Do not be a copy typist who simply types over poor sentences and mistakes without correcting them. A manager/ social worker is responsible for writing correspondence and documents, and sometimes these tasks are performed under great pressure. The secretary has to ensure that the layout and contents of all typed work is professionally correct before she submits it to the manager / social worker to be signed.
Typing paper is an expensive item and the typist should attempt throughout to type as much information on a page. She should, however, never compromise the professional appearance of the document by making it look all squashed together and squeezed in. If necessary, use a larger or smaller font for better spacing.
Take care not to carry over the concluding remark (“Thank you for your co-operation, Yours sincerely” and name of social worker) to the next page on its own. Once again, use larger/smaller fonts and consider clever spacing.
Space a short letter neatly over a larger section of the page, as there is any way enough space available.
Make use of “Headers and Footers” to number pages. Always start numbering the document on page 2 only. In other words, there should never be a “1” at the top of the first page.
Number the different headings and leave open enough space in the margin (nine spaces leave enough space for the numbers of subheadings) in order to block the typed work neatly. (Take note of the layout of this Manual for Typists – all the numbers appear directly under one another on the left-hand side of the page and paragraphs are indented.)
All reports that are sent out must be accompanied by a covering letter and have the necessary front page. The front page does not get a number “1”, although it is the first page of the report. Thus, the page on which the report itself starts is page 2. The item (number) given to the report heading continues after the item (number) on which the first heading on the front page ends, e.g. the green front page ends with item 8 and the report consequently starts at item 9.
English to Afrikaans: Visual Arts Learners' Book
Source text - English The Futurists
(11.4.1; 11.4.2; 11.4.4)
1. Study the words in the glossary as well as the information below and then complete the activity that follows.
Term Definisie
Friedrich Engels German revolutionary political economist and cofounder, with Karl Marx, of scientific Socialism, now known as Communism
Karl Marx German political philosopher and revolutionary, the most important of all socialist thinkers whose original ideas have been modified and used in a variety of political systems, including Marxism. With political economist Friedrich Engels, he founded scientific Socialism (now known as Communism); for this, Marx is considered one of the most influential thinkers of all time
B. Umberto Boccioni
I. Biographical detail
Umberto Boccioni was born in Reggio Calabria, southern Italy, on 19 October 1882, and educated at the Technical Institute of Catania, displaying an early interest in Literature and drawing. At the end of the 1890s he moved to Rome to further his artistic studies, entering the studio of a commercial artist where he did copies of old masters, as well as cityscapes, modern street scenes and studies of cars, all of which became favourite Futurist themes.
In 1901, he met Giacomo Balla and Gino Severini, who shared an interest in the writings of Nietzsche, Marx and Engels. In March 1906, he went to Paris and Russia, returning to Milan in a year later. In 1910, he met with Marinetti, Russolo and Carrà and drafted the Manifesto of Futurist painters.
He painted Riot in the Galleria (1910) and The city rises (1910 – 1911), both exhibited at the 1911 exhibition in Milan. Futurism caused a furore and became highly popular. In 1911, he and Carrà set off to Paris to study the Cubist works of Picasso and Braque, followed by the first Futurist exhibition in Paris in 1912. This exhibition travelled to London, Berlin, Brussels, The Hague, Amsterdam and Munich. In 1912, Boccioni began experimenting with sculpture, exhibiting several pieces at the Salon d’Automne. The following year, an exhibition of his sculptures inaugurated the establishment of a permanent gallery of Futurist art in Rome.
In July 1915, Bocciani and several other Futurist artists volunteered for the war. He died on 17 August 1916, outside Verona, after being wounded.
The most important artists of the Italian Futurist movement include Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, the photographer Giulio Bragaglia, Gino Severini, Giovanni Boldini and Luigi Russolo.
Translation - Afrikaans Die Futuriste
(11.4.1; 11.4.2; 11.4.4)
1. Bestudeer die woorde in die woordelys sowel as die inligting hieronder en voltooi dan die aktiwiteit wat daarna volg.
Term Definisie
Friedrich Engels Duitse rewolusionêre politieke ekonoom en medestigter, saam met Karl Marx, van die wetenskaplike Sosialisme, nou bekend as die Kommunisme.
Karl Marx Duitse politieke filisoof en rewolusionêr, Die heel belangrikste van alle sosialistiese denkers wie se oorspronklike idees verander en in 'n verskeidenheid politieke stelsels, insluitend die Marxisme, gebruik is. Saam met die politieke ekonoom, Friedrich Engels, het hy die wetenskaplike Sosialisme (nou bekend as die Kommunisme), gestig;. Hiervoor word Marx beskou as een van die invloedrykste denkers van alle tye.
B. Umberto Boccioni
I. Biografiese besonderhede
Umberto Boccioni is op 19 Oktober 1882 in Reggio Calabria in die suide van Italië gebore en het sy opvoeding ontvang aan die Tegniese Instituut van Catanië, waar hy reeds vroeg belangstelling in die letterkunde en kuns getoon het. Aan die einde van die 1890’s het hy na Rome verhuis om sy kunsstudies daar voort te sit, en in die ateljee van ’n kommersiële kunstenaar begin werk, waar hy kopieë van die ou meesters se werk gemaak het, sowel as stadslandskappe (cityscapes), moderne straattonele en studies van motors. Al hierdie het gunstelingtemas onder die Futuriste geword.
In 1901 het hy vir Giacomo Balla en Gino Severini ontmoet, wat beide ook in die geskrifte van Nietzsche, Marx en Engels belang gestel het. In Maart 1906 is hy Parys en Rusland toe, en het hy eers ’n jaar later na Milaan teruggekeer. In 1910 het hy Marinetti, Russolo en Carrà ontmoet en die Manifes van Futuristiese skilders opgestel.
Hy het die Riot in the Galleria (1910) geskilder, asook The city rises (1910 – 1911), en beide werke is tydens die 1911 uitstalling in Milaan uitgestal. Futurisme het ’n opskudding in kunskringe veroorsaak en hoogs gewild geraak. In 1911 het hy en Carrà na Parys vertrek om die Kubistiese werke van Picasso en Braque te gaan bestudeer, en hierop het die eerste Futuristiese uitstalling in Parys in 1912 gevolg. Die uitstalling het gereis na Londen, Berlyn, Brussel, Den Haag, Amsterdam en München. In 1912 het Boccioni begin om met beeldhouwerk te eksperimenteer, en verskeie stukke by die Salon d’Automne uitgestal. Gedurende die volgende jaar is sy beeldhouwerke tydens die opening van ’n permanente galery van Futuristiese kuns in Rome uitgestal.
In July 1915 het Bocciani en verskeie ander Futuristiese kunstenaars as vrywilligers by die oorlog aangesluit.. Bocciani het op 17 Augustus 1916 gesterf nadat hy in ’n geveg buite Verona gewond is.
Die belangrikste kunstenaars van die Italiaanse Futuristiese beweging sluit in: Umberto Boccioni, Giacomo Balla, die fotograaf Giulio Bragaglia, Gino Severini, Giovanni Boldini en Luigi Russolo.
Years of experience: 24. Registered at Jul 2007.
The work I generally do includes translation and/or language and technical editing of the following:
Publications, media releases, research reports, questionnaires, research articles, annual reports, financial statements, contracts, brochures, circulars, study guides, manuscripts, dissertations/theses, etc.
Keywords: Translation, Language editing, Proofreading, technical editing, Academic publications, textbooks, media releases, research reports, questionnaires, research articles. See more.Translation, Language editing, Proofreading, technical editing, Academic publications, textbooks, media releases, research reports, questionnaires, research articles, annual reports, financial statements, contracts, brochures, circulars, study guides, manuscripts, dissertations/theses. See less.