Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 23 '15 fra>eng Innommés parce qu’innommables Unnamed, because unnamable pro closed no
- Nov 12 '13 fra>eng c'est un peu de la famille it may have something to do with the family background pro closed ok
4 Sep 24 '13 ron>eng moxii şi alte triburi din Guarani Moxo and other Guarani tribesmen pro closed ok
4 Sep 24 '13 ron>eng batezii din Sumatra Bataks/Bathas pro closed ok
4 Jun 12 '13 eng>ron repays contemplation merita a fi studiata pro closed no
- Jan 3 '13 fra>eng à l'envi de vying with each other [in promoting positive discrimination of women] pro closed no
4 Aug 9 '11 ron>eng angoasă colectivă collective anxiety pro closed no
- Dec 13 '10 eng>ron high road and low road scenarios porti deschise/ porti inchise pro closed ok
- Feb 8 '10 fra>eng regroupements solidaires (ad-hoc) mutual-support groups pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '10 fra>eng crispation judiciaire judicial fixation pro closed ok
- Dec 3 '09 fra>ron repli identitaire izolare etnica pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '09 fra>eng valorisation disseminate and take full advantage of pro closed no
4 Sep 28 '09 eng>ron has some place to go indeplineste un anumit scop/ o anumita functie pro closed no
- Jun 27 '09 ron>eng om de casa/barbat de casa home-oriented pro closed no
- Mar 29 '09 eng>ron social engineer inginer social pro closed ok
- Mar 16 '09 fra>eng forme de grâce vanishing in a gentle manner pro closed no
4 Mar 15 '09 ita>fra disagio giovanile malaise des jeunes pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered