Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Mar 25 '11 eng>bul risk affinity афинитет/склонност към риск pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '09 bul>eng проведена по conducted under (an order) pro closed ok
- Nov 23 '09 bul>eng низходяща тенденция descending trend pro closed ok
4 Nov 23 '09 bul>eng процедура по несъстоятелност bankruptcy/insolvency procedure pro closed ok
4 Oct 26 '09 eng>bul business incubator бизнес инкубатор pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '09 bul>eng има 1 мил. лева в резерва на касата there are 1 million levs/BGN in the (state) fund's reserve pro open no
4 Oct 16 '09 bul>eng съдружници (business) associates pro closed ok
4 Sep 12 '09 eng>bul First Sale of the Day сефте pro closed ok
- Jul 22 '09 eng>bul national account sales manager Мениджър продажби - национални клиенти / клиенти от национален мащаб pro closed ok
4 Feb 20 '09 eng>bul cash flow паричен поток pro closed ok
- Nov 13 '08 eng>bul letter of assurance декларация pro closed no
- Nov 11 '08 eng>bul regulatory clearance регулативно разрешение pro closed no
4 Oct 30 '08 eng>bul Limited recourse senior lender старши кредитор при кредитиране/финансиране с ограничен регрес pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '08 eng>bul Hold Harmless Letter писмо за освобождаване от отговорност pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '08 eng>bul Capital providers капиталовложители pro closed ok
4 Oct 28 '08 bul>eng at the pump ? на бензиностанцията (цената за крайния потребител) pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '08 eng>bul Drs. доктор(и) pro closed ok
- Jul 10 '08 eng>bul swap agreement споразумение за обмен (на активи/пасиви и др.) pro closed ok
4 May 2 '08 eng>bul Snipe Lots кредити pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered