Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 26 '06 rus>eng накопительная часть (межвыплата) funded part pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '06 rus>eng право на получение которых имеется у налогоплательщика that the taxpayer is entitled to pro closed ok
- Sep 19 '05 rus>eng ставки земельного налога...с коэффициентом 1,1. land tax rates with coefficient 1.1 ... pro closed no
4 Jul 23 '05 rus>eng правонарушения, непосредственно связанные с недополучением государством налогов offence directly related to incomplete receipt of taxes by the state pro closed no
- May 1 '05 rus>eng задолженность по единому социальному налогу Unified Social Tax debts / UST debts pro closed no
- Apr 30 '05 rus>eng намеренно совершало действия, направленные на уклонение от уплаты налогов committed an act with an intention to avoid taxes pro closed ok
4 Apr 30 '05 rus>eng Умысел на совершение правонарушения в виде неуплаты налогов intention to commit a violation of the law by non-payment of taxes pro closed no
4 Apr 20 '05 eng>eng the tax that must be paid payable taxes pro closed ok
4 Jan 11 '05 rus>eng налог на доходы иностранных юридических лиц taxes on income of foreign legal entities pro closed ok
- Nov 26 '04 rus>eng коды ТНВД foreign trade commodity nomenclature pro closed no
- Oct 24 '04 fra>eng convention preventive convention to avoid double taxation pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered