Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- May 25 '19 rus>eng интенсивная концертная деятельность giving frequent concerts / [a period of] intense concertizing pro closed ok
NP Jul 28 '14 rus>eng вводнотоновый хроматизм leading-tone accidentals pro closed ok
- Oct 25 '11 rus>eng владеть в совершенстве (музыкальным инструментом) (They are) past masters (of their instruments) pro closed no
4 Oct 2 '10 rus>eng склад, устой texture and stability pro closed no
4 Oct 2 '10 rus>eng устой и созвучие stability and consonance pro closed ok
4 Sep 30 '10 rus>eng музыкальная ткань в крайних пластах the musical fabric, in its outer layers / the outer layers of the musical fabric pro closed ok
4 Sep 29 '10 rus>eng В 16-м такте в среднем голосе появляются секундовые интонации In measure 16, minor seconds appear in the middle voice pro closed no
4 Sep 29 '10 rus>eng В басу звучит, многократно повторяясь, секундовая интонация соль-ля бемоль. The G-Ab semitone is heard repeatedly in the bass. pro closed no
- Oct 12 '08 rus>eng культурообразующий that have shaped the culture pro closed ok
4 Jul 4 '08 rus>eng 12 ступенчатого звукоряда twelve-tone scale pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered