Specialised in medical as well as technical translations.
Specialised in translating documents from German to English.
1. Obtained a "Special Diploma" in translation from Ranade
Institute of foreign Languages, Pune (Maharashtra)
2. Completed BA with specialization in German from Pune
University (Maharashtra)
3. Also completed Diploma, Advanced Diploma in German from
Ranade Institute, Pune (Maharashtra)
4. Completed first three courses of German from Max Mueller
Bhavan, Pune (Maharashtra)
5. Completed Business English courses from the British Library
Pune (Maharashtra), which are certified by the University of
6. Completed Office Automation from CDAC.
7. Completed the first two courses of French from Alliance
Francais, Pune (Maharashtra)
Currently doing MA in German from Pune University (Maharashtra)
Working as a freelancer past 3 years.
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