Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 14 '21 fra>eng voie Fer et voie Pneu steel wheel-on-steel rail//rubber-tyred metro systems pro closed no
- Sep 4 '21 fra>eng nous étions en plein mirage it was totally//completely//absolutely surreal pro closed no
- Aug 8 '21 fra>eng se donnait la comédie liked to play to the gallery pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '21 fra>eng un rien particulière (just) that little bit different//unusual pro closed ok
- Jun 20 '21 fra>eng montre assez quelle inquiétude s’attachait à son lourd cheminement fairly good indication of the fear and trepidation surrounding the operation pro just_closed no
- Jun 6 '21 fra>eng engagement solidaire solidarity pro just_closed no
4 Jun 4 '21 fra>eng la déferlement de la mort a wave of deaths pro closed ok
4 May 5 '21 fra>eng élabore produces pro closed no
- Apr 19 '21 fra>eng le monde étant bien fait In one of those happy twists of fate pro closed no
- Aug 21 '20 fra>eng ... qui ne s'écrit pas for which there are no words pro closed no
- May 20 '20 fra>eng réponse de jésuite without being deliberately obtuse pro closed ok
4 Apr 29 '20 fra>eng tracé sans rupture de charge route/itinerary without transfers pro closed no
- Feb 28 '20 fra>eng piston cronyism pro closed ok
4 Nov 1 '19 fra>eng Transfert aux régions transfer (of responsibility for such services ) to the regions pro closed no
4 Oct 31 '19 fra>eng sans fiche de tracé without route indications pro closed no
4 Jun 26 '19 fra>eng pan de mur one wall (here) pro closed no
- Jan 9 '19 fra>eng dérive (here) (potential) slippage pro closed no
4 Aug 3 '18 fra>eng Mise sur champs positioning on their side/edge pro closed ok
4 Jul 26 '18 fra>eng une composante plaidoyer an advocacy dimension pro closed no
- Apr 6 '18 fra>eng vivre ensemble social intercourse pro closed ok
4 Apr 4 '18 fra>eng relève de what can be classed under the heading of pro closed no
- Mar 16 '18 fra>eng compter be of importance pro closed no
4 Mar 12 '18 fra>eng réseaux multi-cartes multi brand sales networks pro closed no
- Oct 24 '17 fra>eng caisse body/coach/unit pro closed ok
- Sep 5 '17 fra>eng défaillance (in this context) protection against failures pro closed ok
- May 27 '17 fra>eng Trièdre de Frénet Frenet trihedron pro closed ok
4 May 26 '17 fra>eng plage deck pro closed no
- Mar 22 '17 fra>eng faire avancer les lignes push back the boundaries pro closed ok
- Mar 3 '17 fra>eng au maximum de ses envies on top of your game/on top form pro closed ok
4 Feb 18 '17 fra>eng la parole est prise en ribembelle people chip in right, left and centre pro closed no
4 Feb 5 '17 fra>eng sur une profondeur de 15 ans over a time span of 15 years pro closed no
4 Feb 1 '17 fra>eng un lieu démultiplicateur de points de vue a place where ideas could profilerate pro closed no
4 Jan 17 '17 fra>eng travailler la maille la maille = knitwear pro closed ok
- Jan 10 '17 fra>eng fuite en avant the blinkered nature of their policies pro open no
4 Dec 27 '16 fra>eng relais outpost pro closed no
- Dec 2 '16 fra>eng copains et coquins sycophants and scroungers pro closed ok
4 Nov 27 '16 fra>eng DICT (Disponibilité, Intégrité, Confidentialité et Traçabilité) Confidentiality – Integrity – Availability and Traceability pro closed no
4 Oct 24 '16 fra>eng DRASS cf below pro closed no
- Sep 27 '16 fra>eng échange stérile futile exchange/correspondence pro closed no
3 Aug 18 '16 fra>eng des informations qui lui parlent information that is relevant to him/means something to him pro closed no
- Aug 2 '16 fra>eng constituer ambiguous - can be read two ways... pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '16 fra>eng axes a three-pronged strategy pro closed no
- Jun 23 '16 fra>eng propos malveillants badmouth someone or something// denigrate pro closed ok
4 Jun 3 '16 fra>eng ponctions the amount they catch is minor pro closed ok
4 Feb 29 '16 fra>eng clavette libre so-called "free" brake shoe key pro closed no
4 Feb 28 '16 fra>eng transporte toujours un terreau attaché à ses talons Exiles never entirely shake off all traces of their past pro closed no
3 Feb 28 '16 fra>eng s'enfonçaient en chapelet dans des lointains ensoleillés stretched beadlike into the sun-kissed distance pro closed no
4 Feb 28 '16 fra>eng arrêt desservi next stop(s) pro closed ok
- Feb 26 '16 fra>eng caisse car pro closed ok
- Jan 21 '16 fra>eng chantier test should be tested on site pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered