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Sample translations submitted: 2
French to English: L’avenir des biotechnologies
Source text - French Biotechnologie ? Un mot porteur de beaucoup d’espoirs qui désigne l’utilisation au sens large des propriétés du vivant à des fins pratiques et industrielles. Terme à la mode s’il en est, les biotechnologies remontent pourtant aux origines de notre civilisation : sans le savoir et depuis des millénaires, l’homme s’est toujours servi des micro-organismes pour fabriquer du pain, des boissons fermentées ou du fromage. Ces biotechnologies de base, pourrait-on dire, forment une partie de la trame de notre vie quotidienne.
Que se passe-t-il donc de si nouveau pour que l’on nous annonce sans cesse l’arrivée d’un train de nouvelles biotechnologies qui vont révolutionner l’industrie, la médecine, l’agriculture ou notre alimentation ? Rien n’est très apparent, semble-t-il. Et pourtant des secteurs entiers, pas toujours ceux que l’on croyait, ont fait des progrès immenses. Il est temps de faire un bilan raisonné des biotechnologies actuelles et de s’interroger sur leur avenir réel.
Translation - English Future of biotechnologies
Biotechnology? A word carrying much hopes which in the broad sense indicates the use of the properties of living with fine practices and industrial. Term with the mode if it is, biotechnologies however go back to the origins of our civilization: without the knowledge and since millenia, the man always made use of the micro-organisms to manufacture bread, fermented drinks or cheese. These basic biotechnologies, could one say, form part of the screen of our daily life.
What does it thus do without so new so that one unceasingly announces to us the arrival of a train of new biotechnologies which will revolutionize industry, medicine, agriculture or our food? Nothing is very apparent, seems it. And yet of the whole sectors, not always those which one believed, made of immense progress. It is time to make a reasoned assessment of current biotechnologies and to wonder about their real future.
English to Chinese: Future of biotechnologies
Source text - English Future of biotechnologies
Biotechnology? A word carrying much hopes which in the broad sense indicates the use of the properties of living with fine practices and industrial. Term with the mode if it is, biotechnologies however go back to the origins of our civilization: without the knowledge and since millenia, the man always made use of the micro-organisms to manufacture bread, fermented drinks or cheese. These basic biotechnologies, could one say, form part of the screen of our daily life.
What does it thus do without so new so that one unceasingly announces to us the arrival of a train of new biotechnologies which will revolutionize industry, medicine, agriculture or our food? Nothing is very apparent, seems it. And yet of the whole sectors, not always those which one believed, made of immense progress. It is time to make a reasoned assessment of current biotechnologies and to wonder about their real future.
I am here to improve my competences skills too and to serve others people.
To make benefit from my knowledge and my capacities to the whole Earth!!
It seems be ambitious but it is my passion :)
You can count on my professionalism and my rigour like my discretion…
See you soon I hope :)
With the pleasure of reading you .....
Keywords: Traducteur multilanguage, Traduction anglaise, espagnol, allemande, chinoise coréénne, arabe, russe, norvégien, Suédois, et plus encore si vous me demandez.
Translator multilanguage. See more.Traducteur multilanguage, Traduction anglaise, espagnol, allemande,chinoise coréénne, arabe, russe, norvégien,Suédois, et plus encore si vous me demandez.
Translator multilanguage, Translation English, Spanish, German, Chinese Korean, Arab, Russian, Norwegian, Swedish and more if you ask me why not :)
Law, Journalism,beauty,Executive Assistant,modernism. See less.