Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Mar 24 '14 pol>eng niskiej próby low assay pro closed ok
4 Jul 28 '12 eng>pol chip carving snycerka pro closed no
- Apr 21 '09 pol>eng kompozycja brył arrangement of solids pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '08 pol>eng prace o charakterze designu design oriented (artefacts) pro closed no
- Jul 5 '08 pol>eng kształtowanie przestrzeni the crafting of space/space crafting pro closed ok
- Nov 15 '06 pol>eng Kijowszczyzna The Kiev land (Kijowszczyzna) pro closed ok
4 Mar 27 '06 eng>pol eye pin szpilka z oczkiem pro closed ok
4 Apr 12 '05 pol>eng ZAiKS zdązę? pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered