Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Feb 20 '17 eng>ita death sticks killer in stick easy closed no
4 Jul 30 '15 eng>ita finds the dress “heavy” si accorge che il vestito e' pesante e trova le tasche easy closed no
- Jun 22 '15 eng>ita not to be fighting us non fare a botte con noi easy closed no
4 Jun 22 '15 eng>ita how many options the coffin opens (stai a vedere) quante soluzioni ti offre la cassa da morto/bara easy closed no
4 Jun 20 '15 eng>ita what’s driving me nuts? cosa mi manda al manicomio? easy closed no
- Jun 16 '15 eng>ita packing cocaine into small bags dividono la cocaina in buste/bustine easy closed no
4 Mar 10 '15 eng>ita I’m stepping down esco di scena easy closed no
4 Mar 8 '15 eng>ita as though it was nothing come se niente fosse easy closed ok
- Feb 25 '15 eng>ita It’s affecting his academic achievements influisce (e' deleterio per) sui suoi risultati all'università easy closed no
- Feb 24 '15 eng>ita I wanted to bring it up earlier volevo uscirmene prima easy closed no
4 Feb 24 '15 eng>ita And that we remain that way. e che rimaniamo tali easy closed no
- Feb 22 '15 eng>ita aging actresses attrici che avanzano con gli anni/l'età easy closed no
4 Feb 16 '15 eng>ita got an excellent deal on ha preso a un prezzo d'occasione easy closed no
4 Feb 14 '15 eng>ita He gets someone on the line. è al telefono/e' in linea con qualcuno easy closed no
- Feb 14 '15 eng>ita comes with in (salsa di) easy closed ok
4 Feb 14 '15 eng>ita you two are what make me the happiest voi due/tutti e due siete la cosa che mi fa più felice easy closed no
- Feb 12 '15 eng>ita With eating per mangiare easy closed no
- Jan 4 '15 eng>ita It doesn’t matter whether I would have hit him over the head non importa se gli avessi dato una botta in testa easy closed ok
- Jan 4 '15 eng>ita who hates it when kids play outside his shop che detesta/odia che i bambini giochino fuori dal suo negozio easy closed no
- Jan 4 '15 eng>ita how tough his first year of high school would be quanto sarebbe stato impegnativo il primo anno delle superiori easy closed no
- Jan 4 '15 eng>ita it might have something to do with a girl? potrebbe trattarsi di una ragazza/pensi che c'entri una ragazza? easy closed no
- Dec 31 '14 eng>ita We should have waited to show up. devevamo presentarci più tardi easy closed no
- Dec 18 '14 eng>ita he comes right back out again ma ecco che ritorna subito indietro easy closed ok
- Oct 26 '14 eng>ita It kills me Accidenti... easy closed no
- Oct 24 '14 eng>ita You’re being investigated sto (solo) investigando easy closed ok
- Oct 19 '14 eng>ita Everything’s ruined è andato tutto in malora easy closed no
- Oct 15 '14 eng>ita I was brought in through that door sono passato da quella porta easy closed no
4 Oct 9 '14 eng>ita closed it off e l'ha chiusa easy closed no
- Sep 29 '14 eng>ita We won’t have coffee non se ne parla di caffè easy closed no
4 Sep 17 '14 eng>ita I want it open and white and light voglio spazio e bianco e luce easy closed no
- Sep 17 '14 eng>ita on the outside riguarda soprattutto l'esterno/la facciata easy closed no
- Sep 2 '14 eng>ita the handle is broken. la levetta dello scarico e' rotta/non si tira l'acqua easy closed no
- Sep 1 '14 eng>ita They despise the neo-classical style. snobbano lo stile neoclassico easy closed no
4 Sep 1 '14 eng>ita They are familiar with the latest building materials sono pratici dei piu innovativi materiali da costruzione easy closed no
4 Jul 6 '14 eng>ita access possibilità di accedere easy closed ok
4 Jul 6 '14 eng>ita What is the price, the motivation and the condition? qual è il prezzo, quali le motivazioni e a quali condizioni? easy closed ok
- May 15 '14 eng>ita scan out of the corner of my eye scorro con la coda dell'occhio easy closed no
- Apr 3 '14 eng>ita He's a nice guy è una persona carina easy closed no
- Mar 26 '14 eng>ita with how well my life is going come me la cavo bene easy closed no
- Mar 22 '14 eng>ita I feel kind of close to them è come se mi sentissi già in sintonia con loro easy closed no
- Mar 19 '14 eng>ita make you miserable te la farà pesare easy closed no
- Mar 19 '14 eng>ita A huff and a puff appena un po' easy closed no
- Mar 16 '14 eng>ita over made-up truccata come/mi pari/sembri una ... easy closed no
- Mar 16 '14 eng>ita You got your mother's looks sei tutta tua madre easy closed no
- Mar 11 '14 eng>ita the in-laws affini/i parenti dello sposo easy closed no
- Mar 3 '14 eng>ita wanted to make more of it pretendere di piu easy closed ok
4 Mar 3 '14 eng>ita pretty damned good da sballo easy closed no
- Mar 2 '14 eng>ita as much as he could quanto basta easy closed no
- Mar 2 '14 eng>ita this night isn't turning out quite like questa serata ha preso una piega differente easy closed no
- Feb 28 '14 eng>ita there plunked right on top of it proprio in bella vista easy closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered