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Personal glossaries (3,949 results)

Languages Glossary Term translation Owner
English to Indonesian Glosari PB Depdiknas RI Lengkap Johanson-Blizzard syndrome sindrom Johanson-Blizzard Hikmat Gumilar
English to Indonesian Glosari PB Depdiknas RI Lengkap monofixation syndrome sindrom monofiksasi Hikmat Gumilar
English to Indonesian Glosari PB Depdiknas RI Lengkap Pendred\'s syndrome sindrom Pendred Hikmat Gumilar
English to Indonesian Glosari PB Depdiknas RI Lengkap second impact syndrome sindrom impak kedua Hikmat Gumilar
English to Indonesian Glosari PB Depdiknas RI Lengkap tolosa-Hunt syndrome sindrom Talosa-Hunt Hikmat Gumilar
English to Chinese NEWS work together to combat the severe acute respiratory syndrome 团结一致对抗肺炎 CHEN-Ling
English to Croatian english - croatian general abstinence syndrome sindrom ustezanja Gordana Podvezanec
English biomedical abbreviations bhd birt hogg dube syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations dhs deafness hypogonadism syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations hptjt hyperparathyroidism jaw tumor syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations mas mccune albright syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations pals papillon lefevre syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations sms smith magenis syndrome Ana Roca
English biomedical abbreviations wws wieacker wolff syndrome Ana Roca
English to Portuguese medicina dumping syndrome síndroma de dumping ana claudia jorge
English to Japanese Katalin's Medical EJ radicular syndrome 根症候群 Katalin Horváth McClure
Japanese to English Katalin's Medical JE 症候群 syndrome Katalin Horváth McClure
English to Greek EN>GR Medical premenstrual syndrome (PMS) προεμμηνορυσιακό σύνδρομο (Π.Μ.Σ.) Spiros Doikas
English to Chinese medicine abstinence syndrome 【医】 脱瘾综合征 Han Li
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS aslhn alport syndrome like hereditary nephritis AAAmedical
English to Arabic Psychology Syndrome (Dyskinetic-Hyperton) تناذر اضطراب حركي- مفعم abdurrahman
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS crps chronic regional pain syndrome AAAmedical
English to Arabic Psychology Syndrome (Kleever-Buey) تناذر كلوفر-بوييه abdurrahman
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS hgps hutchinson gilford progeria syndrome AAAmedical
Spanish to English musicmaker's glossary síndrome general general syndrome Joseph Tein
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS lmbb laurence moon bardet biedl syndrome AAAmedical
English to Korean Philosophy locked-in syndrome 감금증후군 English2Korean
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS occs oculocerebrocutaneous syndrome AAAmedical
English to Korean Veterinary Science ectasia syndrome 확장증증후군 English2Korean
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS sds sudden death syndrome AAAmedical
English to Korean Veterinary Science Sezary syndrome 탈락홍색피부증 English2Korean
English MEDICAL ABBREVIATIONS wgn wagner syndrome AAAmedical
Spanish to English medical síndrome nefrítico nephritic syndrome Kelhara Translations
French to English santé_Afrique Asperium Asperger’s syndrome Victor Foster
English to Arabic Medical Konig's syndrome مُتَلاَزِمَةُ كونيغ (تناوب إسهال مع إمساك) Tamer Mekhimar
English to zzz Other zzz Glossary of Antiterrorism acute radiation syndrome (ARS) <font face="Arial Armenian">ëáõñ ׳鳷³ÛóÛÇÝ Ñ³Ù³Ëï³ÝÇß (êÖÐ)</font> Henrik Pipoyan
English to Greek Vicky Valla glossary ataxia-telangiectasia syndrome σύνδρομο αταξίας-τηλεαγγειεκτασίας Vicky Valla
English to Greek En>Gr>En med Job\'s syndrome: σύνδρομο Job Evdoxia R. (X)
English to Italian Medicine & Science AME Apparent Mineralocorticoid Excess [Syndrome] Bruno Depascale
English to Polish medical terms diarrhea-predominant Irritable Bowel Syndrome (D-IBS) zespół jelita drażliwego z dominującą biegunką makawa
English to Italian Medicine & Science MAS-ECMO Meconium Aspiration Syndrome-Extracorporeal Membrane Oxygenation Bruno Depascale
Japanese to English Katalin's Medical JE 新生児呼吸促迫症候群 IRDS (infantile respiratory distress syndrome) Katalin Horváth McClure
English to Italian Medicine & Science ZDS Zinc Depletion Syndrome (sindrome da deplezione di zinco) Bruno Depascale
English to Japanese Katalin's Medical EJ sleep apnea syndrome (SAS) すいみんじむこきゅうしょうこうぐん Katalin Horváth McClure
Spanish to English IA-MedPharm equivalente anginoso angina-like syndrome MedPharm
Japanese to English Katalin's Medical JE すとーくすあだむすしょうこうぐん Stokes-Adams syndrome Katalin Horváth McClure
English to Russian PharmEngRusAlK Maroteaux-Lamy syndrome синдром Марото - Лами *Alena*
English to Japanese ICH Standardized Medical Terms Acquired immune deficiency syndrome 後天性免疫不全症候群 Yuriko Daikoku
English to French Bertrand Leduc's glossary Glucose Transporter Type 1 Deficiency Syndrome syndrome du déficit en transporteur de glucose de type 1 Bertrand Leduc
English to Chinese medicine/chemistry&biology2 Thoracic Insufficiency Syndrome 胸机能不全综合症 Johnson Hou
3,949 results found. Showing results 151 - 200
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