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English to Croatian: Individual differences and risk taking in rock climbing General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English Abstract
The primary objective of the study was to challenge the notion that risk taking populations are homogenous, and that risk taking in sport necessarily reflects the expression of trait sensation seeking. A secondary objective was to examine the potential role of additional individual differences, such as self-efficacy and impulsivity, which have traditionally received limited attention.
Quantitative cross-sectional study.
One hundred and sixteen active rock climbers completed the Impulsive-Sensation Seeking Scale, a domain-specific self-efficacy scale, and behavioral measures of ability, experience and risk taking in rock climbing.
Those high in self-efficacy and male climbers were likely to take greater risks; small associations with age, sensation seeking and impulsivity were also observed, though these were not in the hypothesized direction and failed to predict unique variance in regression analyses.
To challenge themselves, rock climbers may take calculated additional risks when they feel confident in their ability to manage those risks. Researchers should not assume homogeneity within risk taking populations, or that people take risks in all domains due to elevated sensation seeking needs.
Keywords: Sensation seeking; Impulsivity; Self-efficacy; Mastery; Risk taking
Translation - Croatian Cilj
Osnovni cilj istraživanja bio je prikazivanje ideje da populacija koja poduzima je istovrsna i da poduzimanje rizika u sportu nužno odražava izraz traženja uzbuđenja. Drugi cilj je bio ispitati moguću ulogu dodatnih individualnih razlika, kao što su samo-uspješnost i impulsivnost, koji su tradicionalno dobili ograničenu pozornost.
Kvantitativno popriječno- presječno istraživanje.
Stotinu i šesnaest aktivnih penjača je završilo Impulsivno-Senzacionalnu Skalu Traženja, specifične-oblasti samo-uspješnosti skalu, mjere sposobnosti ponašanja, iskustvo i preuzimanje rizika u penjanju.
Oni koji imaju visok samo-učinak i muški penjači će prije poduzeti veče rizike; mali uticaj starosne dobi; traženje uzbuđenja i aktivnost su takođe promatrane, iako ti faktori nisu bili u smijeru u kojem se predpostavilo da će biti i nisu uspijeli predvidjeti jedinstvene vatijacije povratnih analiza.
Zbog izazova i kada se osječaju dovoljno samouvjerenim penjači mogu poduzeti dodatne ali ipak odmjerene rizike. Istraživači nebi trebali predpostavljati istovrsnost unutar grupa ljudi koji poduzimaju rizik, ili da ljudi iz različitih domena poduzimaju rizik zbog povišenog uzbuđenja.
English to Croatian: Psychological Profile of Rock Climbers: State and Trait Attributes General field: Other Detailed field: Sports / Fitness / Recreation
Source text - English From the earliest recorded history, humans have climbed mountains. Greeks and Romans in the B.C. era climbed mountains primarily because they lay on important trade routes (Sweet, 1987). According to written accounts, the Incas were building altars and conducting burials on 20,000 foot summits in the Andes six hundred years ago, and stories were told of kings battling dragons on high peaks (Cleare, 1980). As a sport, however, mountaineering has been in existence since the 1700's (Cleare, 1980; Haas & Meyers, 1995; Long, 1993). Early climbing expeditions, initially dominated by European adventurers, typically occurred on snowy and icy alpine altitudes (Cleare, 1980; Long, 1993).
The sport of rock climbing evolved from this ancient tradition of climbing mountains. Climbing skills and techniques were developed by mountaineers attempting to climb the lower, steeper mountains and cliffs (Haas & Meyers, 1995; Long, 1993). Safety equipment was finally introduced in the early 1900's, and the development of lightweight shoes, improvements in equipment design, and artificial climbing aids during the 1960's enabled climbers to focus more on style and technique. These advances in technology have facilitated a new level of competitive rock climbing resulting in enormous popularity within the last decade (Haas & Meyers, 1995; Long, 1993; Watts, Martin, & Durtschi, 1993). To meet the demands of this growing sport, an annual international World Cup circuit has been in existence since 1988 (Watts et al., 1993). As of 1989, it was estimated that over 100,000 individuals were rock climbing in the United States (Addis & Baker, 1989).
Although prior studies have indicated that elite climbers display dedication to training and skill advancement similar to other professional athletes (Haas & Meyers, 1995), a limited variety of research has been conducted on rock climbers. Studies have focused on the physiological and anthropometric profiles of climbers (Mace, 1979; Watts et al., 1993), energy expenditure (Billat, Paileja, Charlaix, Rizzardo & Janel, 1995; Hardy & Martindale, 1982), muscular strength and capacity (Martin, Martin, Cometti & Pousson 1992; Muro, Vila, Vives & Gutierrez, 1994; Rougier & Blanchi, 1992), kinematics (Nougier, Orliaguet & Martin, 1993), and injuries (Haas & Meyers, 1995; Maitland, 1992; Shea, Shea & Meals, 1992).
Research addressing the psychological attributes of climbers, however, has been limited. Studies have addressed topics such as risk taking and personality (Levenson, 1990), stress seeking (Robinson, 1985; Rossi & Cereatti, 1993), self esteem (Ewert, 1985, 1994; Freischlag & Freischlag, 1993; Goma I. Freixanet, 1991; Iso-Ahola, LaVerde & Graefe, 1988; Magni, Rupolo, Simini, De Leo & Rampazzo, 1985), and psychophysiological relationships (Delignieres, Famose, Thepaut-Mathieu & Fleurance, 1993; Edwards, 1967; Hardy & Whitehead, 1984; Missoum, Rosnet & Richalet, 1992; Ryn, 1971).
Because a rock climber is directly affected by inclement weather and situations beyond his/her control while in a potentially dangerous situation, it may be appropriate to examine psychological attributes from a state as well as a trait perspective. Prior research on state attributes of rock climbers has suggested that self esteem is enhanced as a result of the quality of the rock climbing experience (Iso-Ahola, LaVerde & Graefe, 1988), and that self appraisal and competence were increased towards the end of a rock climbing session (Lefebvre, 1980).
Studies have also suggested a positive relationship between various trait attributes and rock climbing ability. These attributes include increased self esteem, competitiveness, perfectionism, life satisfaction, and sensation seeking (Freischlag & Freischlag, 1993; Zuckerman, 1983). In addition, individuals exhibiting a high level of sensation seeking have shown a marked tendency to underestimate risk (Rossi & Cereatti, 1993; Zuckerman, 1983). Elite rock climbers have also been categorized as being low in anxiety in both daily life and during competition (Robinson, 1985). Irrespective of skill level, research indicates that rock climbers are more social and antistructural than the norm (Levenson, 1990), and respond higher than controls in boredom susceptibility, disinhibition, experience seeking, thrill, and adventure (Rossi & Cereatti, 1993).
A number of psychological profile studies have been conducted on athletes in other sports. These include studies on mood states (Meyers, Bourgeois, Murray & LeUnes, 1993; Meyers, Sterling, Bourgeois, Treadwell & LeUnes, 1994; Morgan, 1980, 1984; Morgan, O'Connor, Ellickson & Bradley, 1988; Morgan & Pollock, 1977), competitive anxiety (Martens, 1977; Starkes & Allard, 1983; Weinberg & Genuchi, 1980), motivation (Willis, 1982; Willis & Layne, 1988), locus of control (Daiss, LeUnes & Nation, 1986; Levenson, 1981; Meyers et al., 1993; Nation & LeUnes, 1983; Rotter, 1966), and personality characteristics (McGill, Hall, Ratliff & ...
Translation - Croatian Od najranije pisane historije ljudi su se penjali na planine. Grci i Rimljani u doba prije Krista su se panjali na planine primarno iz razloga što su predstavljale prepreku na njihovim važnim trgovačkim rutama. Prema pisanim dokazima Inci su pravili oltare i sahranjivali ljude na vrhovima Anda visokim i do 20.000 stopa prije šesto godina (Cleare, 1980). Tu su takođe i priče o kraljevima koji su se borili sa zmajevima na vrhovima planina. Kao sport penjanje postoji od 1700tih (Cleare, 1980; Haas & Meyers, 1995; Long, 1993). Najranije expedicije su izvodili Europljani na snježnim i ledenim padinama Alpa.
Penjanje po planinama kao sport se razvio iz ovih starih tradicija penjanja. Tehnike u penjanju su razvijali penjači koji su se penjali na manje ali strmije planine i litice. Sigurnosna oprema se pojavila u 1900tim. Lagane cipele za penjanje , poboljšanja u dizajnu opreme, i umjetne pomoći izumljene tokom 1960tih su dozvolile penjačima da se više fokusiraju na stil i tehniku. Ovi izumi su takmičarsko penjanje podigli na viši nivo i time popularizirali sport u posljednjem stoljeću (Haas & Meyers, 1995; Long, 1993; Watts, Martin, & Durtschi, 1993). Zbog rastuće popularnosti sporta međunarodni godišnji Svjetski Kup postoji od 1988. Od 1989 procjenjeno je da se preko 100,000 ljudi počelo baviti penjanjem u SAD-u (Addis & Baker, 1989). Iako istraživanja pokazuju da su elitni penjači odani treningu i napredovanju na polju vještina penjanja poput svih profesionalnih takmičara, malo istraživanja o penjačima je provedeno. Istraživanja su se fokusirala na fiziološke i antropometriske profile penjača (Mace, 1979; Watts et al., 1993), potrošnju energije (Billat, Paileja, Charlaix, Rizzardo & Janel, 1995; Hardy & Martindale, 1982), snagu mišića i kapacitet (Martin, Martin, Cometti & Pousson 1992; Muro, Vila, Vives & Gutierrez, 1994; Rougier & Blanchi, 1992), kinematiku (Nougier, Orliaguet & Martin, 1993), i povrede (Haas & Meyers, 1995; Maitland, 1992; Shea, Shea & Meals, 1992).
Istraživanja koja se tiču psiholoških obilježja penjača su ograničena. Istraživanja su se bazirala na temama poput preuzimanja rizika, karakteristika ličnosti, stresa, samopouzdanja i psihofizioloških veza.
Zbog toga što je penjanje direktno povezano sa vremenskim uslovima na planini i opasnim situacijama koje su van njegove ili njene kontrole bilo bi poželjno istražiti psihološke osobine i perspektive stanja i značajnih obilježja. Prvobitno istraživanje o stanju penjača pokazuje da samopouzdanje penjača ovisi o kvalitetu i iskustvu u penjanju te da su samoprocjena i sigurnost povečani pri završetku sesije penjanja.
Istraživanja su takođe pokazala da postoji pozitivna veza između značajnih osobina i sposobnosti penjanja. Ove osobine uključuju povišeno samopouzdanje, konkurentnost, perfekcionizam, životno zadovoljstvo, traženje avantura (Freischlag & Freischlag, 1993; Zuckerman, 1983). Individue koje su opterećene traženjem uzbuđenja takođe i često zanemaruju rizike. Elitni penjači su kategorisani kao osobe koje imaju umanjen osječaj anksioznosti kako u skakodnevnom životu tako i tokom takmičenja. Nevezano za nivo vještine dokazano je da su penjači više društveni, nisu ukočeni u nekim društvenim situacijama, uvijek su u potrazi za novim iskustvima i avanturama i nikad im nije dosadno.
Određen broj istraživanja na temu psiholoških osobina takmičara u drugim sportovima je proveden. Ova istraživanja se fokusiraju na različito raspoloženje (Meyers, Bourgeois, Murray & LeUnes, 1993; Meyers, Sterling, Bourgeois, Treadwell & LeUnes, 1994; Morgan, 1980, 1984; Morgan, O'Connor, Ellickson & Bradley, 1988; Morgan & Pollock, 1977), takmičarsku anksioznost (Martens, 1977; Starkes & Allard, 1983; Weinberg & Genuchi, 1980), motivaciju (Willis, 1982; Willis & Layne, 1988), kontrolu (Daiss, LeUnes & Nation, 1986; Levenson, 1981; Meyers et al., 1993; Nation & LeUnes, 1983; Rotter, 1966) i karakteristike ličnosti (McGill, Hall, Ratliff & ...
Translation education
Graduate diploma - University of philosophy in Tuzla
Years of experience: 17. Registered at Jul 2011.