May 20, 2000 09:58
24 yrs ago
German term


German to English Tech/Engineering
QC procedure when applying firs-safety coating to container on oil-rig. I need help with this sentence: Als "wesentliche Flache" wird der Bereich zwischen 2 Gerustebenen definiert. Hierbei wird im horizontalen Abstand von jeweils ca. 1 m, abwechselnd einmal in Kniehohe und einmal in Schulterhohe, jeweils eine aus 5 Einzelwerte ermittelte "ortliche Schichtdicke" gemessen.
This is referring to how measurements are taken with an isoscope to determine the coating thickness of the fire-safety coating. Anyone shed any light?

Proposed translations

18 mins

knee height and shoulder height

I visualise the test area (the "wesentliche Fläche") rather like a music stave - several horizontal lines 1 m apart, with a top one and a bottom one. The coat thickness is measured alternately at a knee-height line and a shoulder-height line, and the local coat thickness (örtliche Schichtdicke) is calculated as the average of 5 measurements. That's how I understand the German, anyway!
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1 hr

knee level (or height) / shoulder level (or height)

I've had my coffee now and I see the geometry this way: The "essential area" is the area between two horizontal levels of scaffolding (say 2 meters apart). Five measurements are made at 1-meter intervals along a horizontal line at knee level; and five more at 1-meter intervals along a horizontal line at shoulder level. The result is the "local coating thickness" for this area -- which measures say 2 meters vertically (scaffold to scaffold level) and 6 meters horizontally (5 meters between measuring points plus one half meter at each end, where the adjacent "local area" begins, in which the next such measurement is defined) and so on, conceivably around the oil rig structure (or whichever part of it). Presumably the values for all "local areas" are recorded, e.g. perhaps mapped on a geometric diagram of the structure. -- Ask again after I've had my Southern Comfort nightcap, and maybe I can see this all more clearly.

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