Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Sep 19 fra>eng rapport d'expertise court-ordered appraisal (of causation) pro open no
- Aug 23 eng>deu Simple reversionary bonus einfache, nicht kumulative Erlebensfallleistung pro open no
- Aug 23 eng>deu Compound reversionary bonus kumulative Erlebensfallleistung bei Lebensversicherung pro open no
1 Aug 23 eng>deu Reversionary bonus der Erlebensfallbonus (Überschussbeteiligung) bei Lebensversicherung pro closed ok
- Jun 25 ita>eng rispetto all'annualità as {measured} against the annual premium instal(l)ment payment pro closed ok
- Feb 14 fra>eng Assurance Loisirs Sérénité Serene Leisure Pursuits Insurance pro closed no
- Jan 22 ita>eng fatti appropriativi matter of fact or act unduly contributing to (germane to the clients' loss and/or damage) pro closed ok
- Nov 16 '23 esl>eng por orden preferente y excluyente ranking in overarching order of priority pro closed no
- Oct 27 '23 esl>eng no se imprime en destino alquiler not included in print under the intended use for rental pro just_closed no
- Oct 26 '23 esl>eng adquirida earned by X ; X entitled to pro closed no
4 Oct 25 '23 esl>eng el Asegurador puede hacer suyo el precio the Insurer/ Underwriter is allowed to keep (forfeit) the premium (charged) pro closed no
- Oct 24 '23 esl>eng contratante the insurance client pro closed ok
4 Oct 19 '23 eng>deu Benefit of insurance clause versicherungsrechtliche Begünstigungsklausel pro closed ok
- Oct 16 '23 deu>eng Erhebungsbeitrag clinical-survey insurance premium pro closed ok
- Oct 13 '23 esl>eng ¿Quién es el Asegurado? Who is the (Party) Assured? pro closed ok
- Oct 4 '23 eng>deu excess coverage Überdeckung (durch AmE: Zusatz- bzw. BrE: Doppelversicherung) pro closed ok
- Oct 3 '23 eng>esl Non-engagement premium prima de régimen sin participación pro closed ok
- Sep 13 '23 eng>deu admiralty bond Bürgschaftleistung für die Prozeßkosten einer (dinglichen i.V.m. Schiffsarrest) seerechtlichen Klage pro open no
- Aug 30 '23 deu>eng Kasko (Vollkasko/Teilkasko) marine or aircraft hull (full hull coverage -> all risks / part of hull coverage) pro closed no
- Aug 20 '23 ita>eng Annuale Str Structured Annual Instalment Payment pro just_closed no
- Jul 30 '23 fra>deu valant mise und dabei einer Streitverkündung gleichzusetzen pro closed ok
- Jul 15 '23 ita>eng Contraente Arbitrato Party making an Arbitration Reference pro just_closed no
- Jul 15 '23 ita>eng atti illeciti di natura professionale tortious act of professional mal- or misfeasance pro closed ok
4 Jul 13 '23 sve>eng Fyll i ditt namn vid födsel med bokstäver och försök igen fill in your name at birth in (Roman) letters and try again pro closed no
- Apr 28 '23 fra>eng dégâts diffus randomly dispersed (aftermath of) damage pro closed no
- Mar 21 '23 ita>eng Commissario per la gestione provvisoria Provisional Administrator pro closed no
- Mar 14 '23 ita>eng insistere run on pro just_closed no
- Mar 14 '23 fra>eng portant atteinte à l'integrité physique de la personne causing bodily harm by personal injury pro closed no
4 Feb 6 '23 esl>fra Finiquito provisional la quittance provisionnelle pro closed ok
- Dec 20 '22 fra>eng la responsabilité civile d'un tiers serait partiellement engagée a third party is held partly to blame in tort (as a matter of Civil Liability) pro closed ok
- Dec 19 '22 fra>eng conduite à l'insu driven unknowingly pro closed no
- Dec 19 '22 fra>eng vous est acquise you are held liable in Tort (accountable as a matter of Civil Liability) pro closed no
- Dec 5 '22 deu>eng Leistungsabrechnung accounting of (AIT: medical) services rendered pro open no
- Sep 29 '22 ita>eng polizze rivalutabili with-profits endowment policy pro closed ok
- Sep 21 '22 eng>ara affecting insurance litafeil altaamin > لتفعيل التأمين easy closed no
- Aug 26 '22 ita>eng linea inv. with-profits; class of insurance > with-profit endowment pro closed ok
- Jul 4 '22 por>eng ordem de resseguro (reinsurance) line slip pro closed ok
- Jun 29 '22 nor>eng driftsforsikring plant & equipment (casualty all-risks) insurance pro just_closed no
4 Jun 17 '22 esl>eng datos relativos de vencimiento relevant (policy) renewal particulars pro closed ok
- May 17 '22 esl>eng parte directa y cedida inwards and outwards part pro closed no
- May 1 '22 eng>esl Outwards Reinsurance reaseguros pasivos, Arg. pro closed ok
- Apr 29 '22 fra>eng Modélisation charge-sinistre claims load modelling pro closed no
4 Apr 25 '22 sve>eng företagare active trader, BrE pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '22 esl>eng aviso (vs notificación) de siniestro initial notice of claim, AmE pro closed ok
4 Feb 23 '22 esl>eng correspondiendo apportionable to (is accounted for by) pro closed ok
- Feb 4 '22 esl>eng asegurado nominado nominated assured/s (life, fire and marine cargo) pro closed no
- Jan 31 '22 ita>eng titolo improprio informal authority pro open no
- Jan 18 '22 eng>esl Non-lnvestment lnsurance seguros no participativos > de carácter no participativo pro closed ok
- Dec 28 '21 deu>eng Versicherungstreuhand insurance agency pro closed no
- Dec 20 '21 por>eng faculdade option pro closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered