This question was closed without grading. Reason: No acceptable answer
Dec 12, 2010 14:07
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Danish term


Danish to English Tech/Engineering Construction / Civil Engineering railway tracklaying
My text is an invitation to tender, where the Contractor will later be taking up existing tracks and re-laying them after the site has been reconstructed and rebuilt.

They are normal tracks for transporting heavy goods and possibly some passengers.

Entreprenøren skal levere alle kabler / ledninger, kabeldåser inkl. beslag for nokatenerør, skinnekonnekteringer, samt skinnetilledning, nokatenrør, konnekteringsbolte, gummityller og pakkegler

The only reference I can find anywhere to nokatenerør is in BaneDanmark's GAB (Spor).

I wonder if they are some kind of cable duct, but if anyone can tell me precisely, and what they are called in English, I will be enormously grateful!


Christine Andersen (asker) Dec 22, 2010:
I wonder if it is a spelling mistake ... but I cannot work out what it should have been.
NKT-rør does not mean anything to anyone I have asked, and I do know a couple of railway enthusiasts and a former railway employee.
Jørgen Ellekjær Dec 22, 2010:
Hi Christine

I asked in vain. My friend suggested that it might be a word "invented" by your client for the occasion.
Jørgen Ellekjær Dec 18, 2010:
Hi Christina
I have been looking at the "nokatenrør" for some days . . . and I don't have a clue. But, later today I'm meeting with friends . . . and one of them has been working with railroad signalling for years. I'll ask him. It may be over your deadline, but curiosity . . . ;-)
Christine Andersen (asker) Dec 13, 2010:
I asked the client... I asked the client - who has been very helpful with a lot of terminology on this job.

However, as deadline is approaching, he asked a colleague, who simply said:
”call them all fittings for cable connections on track”
Disappointing, but thanks anyway.

Reference comments

22 hrs


It might be best to give Pia Seemholt in Banedanmark a ring and just ask her whether nokatenerør refers to cable duct. Her direct phone number is 82347322 according to the information below:

Materialenummer 224465000
Beskrivelse LEDNINGER I ***NOKATENERØR*** PÅ BETONSVELLE S 89 EN 244.65 R 7552 REV *
varegruppe 22 Elek. Konstr./kabler
basismængdeenhed STK
indkøber Pia Seemholt
telefonnr. 82347322


Søg i Banedanmarks varekatalog
Beskrivelse, LEDNINGER I NOKATENERØR PÅ BETONSVELLE S 89 EN 244.65 R 7552 ... -

Amerika Plads 15
2100 København Ø

Telefon: 8234 0000
Fax: 8234 4572
e-mail: [email protected]

Note added at 5 days (2010-12-18 12:57:30 GMT)

A colleague of ours in Denmark had this comment on your query:

Hi Andres!

I cannot find a translation for the term "nokatenerør" anywhere (is it spelled correctly?). The first part of the word is not a Danish root, but I cannot find it as a company name either.

But assuming you are on the right track, I would prefer "cable conduit" to "cable duct" (ducts tend to be short), so I would refer to "fittings for cable conduits" and "cable conduits" in the translation. Another possibility is "cable piping".

Hope that helps!

Best wishes
Lawrence White
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