Dec 10, 2019 11:59
4 yrs ago
2 viewers *
English term

OK, let's dial it down with the Gibb-jib, a.k.a. bullshit.

English to Danish Art/Literary Slang Subtitling of Marvel's Runaways
Hermed lidt kontekst:

Vi er en familie og uden en af os, udgør vi ikke et hele.
OK, lad os dial it down with the Gibb-jib, alias pladder.

Jeg har ingen idé om hvad "Gibb-jib" er. Ville være taknemmelig for lidt hjælp.

Proposed translations

1 hr

ok, lad os være med alt det sludder og vrøvl, pjank, pladder, pjat, osv.

ok, lad os være med alt det sludder og vrøvl, pjank, pladder, pjat, osv.


vrøvl — › lookup › SearchableText=vrøvl
1. vrøvl sb. , -et; sludder og vrøvl; vrøvl med maven; gøre vrøvl over ... gas, øregas, øregejl, mørk tale, tøv, væv, slidder, sladder, sludder, pjank, pladder, pjat, ...

Hesten og hammeren - › books -
Kurt Juul - 2019 - ‎History
Sludder og vrøvl og pladder. Loke skal ikke slås ihjel, han skal have lov at være der, og han skal ikke tolereres, han skal bekæmpes ustandselig. Det kalder vi ...

Sludder og vrøvl — › sprogbrev-nr-17 › sludder-og-vrovl
En lytter har i et brev til DR beklaget sig over udtrykket sludder og vrøvl brugt i Radioavisen som signal for at der er læst forkert: nu kommer så det rigtige.

Mød manden, der vil lære os at skralde: »Lad være med at ... › art7480029 › »Lad-være-med-at-købe-alt-det-lort«
Nov 9, 2019 - Alt sammen for en mission om at redde verden. Indtil søndag kan ... Mød manden, der vil lære os at skralde: »Lad være med at købe alt det lort« ...
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Reference comments

1 hr

Robin Gibb and Jive Talkin', It Just Ain't No Good

Jive Talkin', It Just Ain't No Good: 'The Bee Gees: The ... › jive-talkin-it-just-aint-no-good-the-bee-gees-t...
Aug 21, 2013 - Jive Talkin', It Just Ain't No Good: 'The Bee Gees: The Biography' ... Gees: The Biography while riding Bay Area Rapid Transit to my day job. ... Hugh Gibb, who is made out of be a passive, rather stupid man with a drinking ...

Robin Gibb dead: The Bee Gee with an anarchic lust for life ... › femail › article-2147821 › Robin-Gibb-dea...
May 21, 2012 - Happily married: Bee Gees star Robin Gibb and wife Dwina Waterfield in 1983 ... Barry sang falsetto for the first time, and with Jive Talkin' they .... 'You get people who drink like a fish, eat rubbish food and they live long into their 90s without any problem.' .... KUWTK: 'Our job is being open and honest!'

The Bee gees: Staying alive and being uncool | European ... › culture › bee-gees-staying-alive-1-52...
Oct 17, 2017 - When Barry Gibb donned a gold lamé jacket thrown on stage at the conclusion of his ... Their ex-drummer father moved from job to job and became a less than .... by virtue of the move to Florida, the brothers wrote Jive Talkin'. .... made, Robin Gibb branded it “The biggest load of shit ever” and it did massive ...

jive talkin' | Tumblr › tagged › jive+talkin'
“Jive Talkin'” is inspired while Barry Gibb and his wife are driving across the bridge to ... Mardin tells the Gibb brothers who are unaware (at the time) that “jive talkin'” is an .... Yeah I think he really did a shitty job on Black Widow's character, and that ... And he did make stupid comments on other Marvel stuff BUT WHATEVER ...

Lou Rawls – Groovy People Lyrics | Genius Lyrics › L › Lou Rawls
Now baby, oh darlin', we don't have to put up
With them jive-time folks no more
Let's pretend that we're not at a-home
When they come knockin', knockin' on our door
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