Dec 11, 2001 03:23
22 yrs ago
English term


Non-PRO English to Catalan Other
Can anyone come up with something that captures the feel of this word better than "enfilar-se, pujar de quatre potes"?

Discussion Dec 11, 2001:
The Spanish might help. I also asked this into Spanish and have selected an answer. See for a better idea of what I'm about.

Proposed translations

5 hrs


grimpar v. intr. Enfilar-se ajudant-se de les mans. | FIG. El nou director només pensa a grimpar.
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Thanks to all answerers. I don't think "grimpar" quite connotes the awkwardness that "clamber" does, but prolly one has to use something adverbial for that."
4 hrs


It really depends on the context and what is doing the clambering, Jon. Could you possibly provide more information. Then it would be easier to help out.

I imagine you have these definitions from the GDLC, but just in case:

2 pron 1 Pujar valent-se alhora dels peus i de les mans. S'ha enfilat en un pi. S'enfilava penya amunt.
2 Pujar, una planta, arrapant-se o entortolligant-se al tronc d'un arbre, un aspre, una paret, etc. El lligabosc s'enfilava pels troncs de les alzines.
3 p ext Pujar, especialment amb esforç. S'enfila pel pendent xiulant, com si no li costés.
4 fig Amb baixeses i adulacions s'ha anat enfilant, i avui ja ocupa un càrrec dels més importants.
5 fig Irritar-se molt, prendre un gran enuig. Quan discuteix, s'enfila, s'enfila, i ni ell mateix no sap el que es diu.
Peer comment(s):

agree Carles Surià Albà
31 mins
gràcies, Carles:)
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16 hrs


I am a climber, and Catalan. We use this
word, which is the same in French and means climbing, when we mean something between climbing and walking up (not a wall or a route but easy climb).
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