Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Oct 3 '15 chi>eng 提前进厂费 cost of early access pro closed no
- Oct 3 '15 chi>eng 各设计专业询价 inquiries of each design specialty pro just_closed no
4 Oct 3 '15 chi>eng 拟建厂区地基处理 proposed plant foundation treatment pro closed no
- Sep 30 '15 chi>eng 售价金额 sales pro closed ok
- Feb 23 '08 chi>eng 走帐 To enter information about income and expenses in an accounting record pro closed no
- Jan 28 '08 eng>chi on the table 公开地/尽人皆知的 pro closed no
- Jan 25 '08 chi>eng 顯示器 Display/Indicator pro closed ok
- Dec 26 '07 chi>eng 相互持股比率 Cross Holding/Cross Ownership Ratio pro closed ok
- Dec 2 '07 chi>eng 机场工程的参考业绩 reference performance of airport engineering pro closed ok
- Oct 30 '07 eng>chi bottom line 盈亏一览结算线 pro closed no
- Oct 15 '07 chi>eng 调货速度 Frequency (Speed) of inventory transfer pro closed ok
- Oct 15 '07 chi>eng 追货,借货及时到位 timely and fully tracking and loan pro closed ok
- Jul 26 '07 eng>chi company incorporation 公司合并 pro closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered