Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
4 Nov 22 '16 eng>por get something done terminar/concluir easy closed ok
4 Oct 4 '16 por>eng um doze 1/12 (um doze avos) one twelfth easy closed ok
- Jun 4 '15 por>eng cara, que barata voa hoje man/dude, it's so hectic/crazy today/so much hustle and bustle today easy closed no
- Mar 26 '12 por>eng R$ 30.000,00 (thirty thousand reais) 30,000 reais easy closed ok
4 Jan 7 '10 por>eng a serviço da for the benefit of easy closed ok
4 Jan 5 '10 por>eng prover de forma mais intensa as outras necessidades já conhecidas They suggest better meeting/fulfil(l)ing the other known requirements. easy closed ok
4 Sep 14 '09 por>eng inadimplente defaulter easy closed ok
- Jun 15 '09 eng>por service charge arrears despesas atrasadas com serviços easy closed ok
- Jun 5 '09 por>eng empréstimo consignado payroll loan easy open no
4 Jun 4 '09 deu>por Vollkostensätze (montante de) custos totais easy closed ok
4 May 28 '09 eng>por questions of fact material questões sobre fatos importantes/relevantes easy closed no
4 Apr 26 '09 por>eng Trabalhador terceirizado outsorced worker easy closed ok
- Feb 28 '09 por>eng renegociar renegotiate easy closed ok
- Jul 29 '08 eng>eng Going the extra mile to do more than what is expected from someone/to make an extra effort easy closed no
3 Jul 24 '08 eng>por one-way unilateral easy closed ok
- Jul 22 '08 eng>por winning share and driving penetration ganhar participação (fatia do mercado) e estimular/incitar/impulsionar penetração/entrada/ingresso easy closed ok
- Jul 19 '08 eng>esl new customer value algo tendrá un nuevo valor/interés para el cliente easy closed ok
NP Jul 17 '08 eng>fra We appreciate your business Nous sommes ravis d'avoir fait des affaires avec vous. easy closed no
- Jul 6 '08 eng>ita getting to your know your hosts conoscendo i tuoi ospiti (un po' più profondamente) easy closed ok
- Jul 6 '08 eng>pol social contributions from salary vs. social contributions on salary społeczne datki z pensji vs. społecznie datki na pensję easy open no
- Feb 23 '08 eng>ita skid of boxes le scatole lasciavano segni di slittamento easy closed no
- Feb 17 '08 jpn>eng 共有者全員持分全部移転 the transfer of all interests of all joint partners easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered