Glossary entry

Croatian term or phrase:

zračnice na kliznice

English translation:

slider windchest

Added to glossary by Dubravka Hrastovec
May 1, 2008 11:09
16 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Croatian term

zračnice na kliznice

Croatian to English Art/Literary Music Organ building
Riječ je o crkvenim orguljama, "mehaničkog sustava sa zračnicama na kliznice".
Pronalazim 'slider wind chests', koje se na hrvatskom nazivaju 'zračnice na poteg'. Zračnice su zasigurno 'wind chests', ali nisam sigurna jesu li 'na poteg' i 'kliznice' istoznačne...
Proposed translations (English)
3 slider chest / wind-chest

Proposed translations

2 hrs

slider chest / wind-chest

Ako već tražiš "na kliznice" onda, obzirom na niže navedenu definiciju za "slider wind-chest" i definiciju za "slider" istog izvora, ne vidim što bi to moglo biti osim "slider wind-chest".

"Slider Chest=This type of wind chest uses a slider to block the holes in the wind chest and prevent the pipes from speaking."
"Slider=This is a long wooden slat which has holes in it that correspond to a rows of holes in the top of the wind chest. It is used in a slider wind chest ."

"How the sound is produced: (...) In a mechanical action organ, the wind chest where the pipes stand is called a slider chest. And a slider chest means that it uses a long strip of wood called the slider. It has a hole for every note on the keyboard, or in other words, a hole for every pipe in the rank. If you pull the draw knob out, you actually physically move the slider from one side to the other. A series of holes line up so that when you play a note on the keyboard, air can pass from the wind chest below to the pipe above. If you push the stop off, then the slider moves a few inches over to the side and the air can't pass from the air chamber up to the pipe. So in this manner, if you pull on one draw knob, then you turned on one rank of pipes so you have one pipe playing from each note. If you drew two stops, there would be two pipes from each note and of course if, on this organ, you drew 30 stops, you could actually have 30 pipes playing from one note on the keyboard."

Evo još jedne definicije:

Note added at 2 hrs (2008-05-01 13:48:05 GMT)

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