May 23, 2003 06:03
21 yrs ago
English term

traces of numerical quire signatures

English to French Art/Literary
description of illuminated manuscript "...full-page miniatures in quire iii or on added sheets (presumably lacking a further inserted full-page miniature facing the opening of Psalm 109 on fol.189r); traces of numerical quire signatures and two sequences of leaf signatures beginning again from quire xv."

Proposed translations

1 hr

Traces de signatures numériques sur main (de papier)


Note added at 2003-05-23 07:06:57 (GMT)

quire [\'kwaNB(r)] n
(a)quire of paper (24 sheets), approx = main f de papier (25 feuilles);
(b)Typ in quires, en feuilles.
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2 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Merci"
13 days

traces de foliotage

Désolée je viens seulement de voir la question.
1 cahier ici correspond à 1 feuillet (folio) plié un nombre de fois différent en fonction du format (in-folio, in quarto etc..)
leaf signatures correspondra à la pagination.
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