Sep 24, 2001 12:04
23 yrs ago
English term

Pointe eines Witzes = Holy mackerel, ......

Non-PRO English to German Other
Wäre vielleicht jemand so nett und könnte mir die Pointe dieses Witzes übersetzen, bitte? Da hört es bei mir leider auf!

There were a group of
archeologists who dug up a line of hieroglyphics that were, from left to right: a dog, a donkey, a shovel, a fish, and a Star of David. After years of study they came up with an explanation. They believed that this was a very wise group of people. First, they knew man had to have company, hence the dog. Next, they knew that they needed animals to help with work, so the donkey. The shovel was there because of their advanced knowledge of tools. Next, they knew that they had to eat, and that fish were the best source of food. Finally, they were a religious group and knew man had to have religion.

After the explanation, a man jumped up and said, "You fools, Hebrew is read from right to left! It says

'Holy mackerel, dig the ass on that bitch!'"

Proposed translations

17 mins

not translatable / play on words

dog = bitch -> female dog
donkey = ass
religious group = holy
fish = mackerel, a type of fish
and the tool (the spade) is used for digging.

dig -> look at, get a load of that!
Holy mackerel -> probably derived from Catholicism, where fish is (I believe) sort of holy food on Frodays -> GOD!! -> an expression, of amazement or surprise.
The star of David is I guess a symbol for "getting it the wrong way around", (reading it backwards - from right to left). Sound like a New York joke, though they haven't all too much to laugh about recently.

I do not know whether the joke has become anymore understandable for you, but for once it is a non-technical explanation!

An ex New Yorker.

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Aha.......... !!! Na denn, danke für die Aufklärung (aber so schlecht ist er ja eigentlich gar nicht, oder?!) ;-)"
9 mins

Heiliger Bimbam,...

schaut Euch den Arsch von der Tussi an! Oder beliebige Synonyme...
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16 mins

See explanation below

Read from right to left

- Star of David = Holy
- fish = mackarel
- shovel = dig
- donkey = ass (zoological name)
- dog = bitch

Not =that= funny, though *g*
Peer comment(s):

disagree Thijs van Dorssen : Ich finde den gar nicht schlecht!!
2 hrs
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18 mins

By the way...'s impossible to translate this into German. Ain't really worth it, either.
Peer comment(s):

agree Thijs van Dorssen : Sieh es doch nicht ganz so verbissen, es ist doch nur ein doofer Witz. Ciao
2 hrs
Ich seh das nicht verbissen. Ich fand den halt bloss nicht witzig :)
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