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Aug 5, 2006 16:48
18 yrs ago
6 viewers *
English term


English to Polish Tech/Engineering Energy / Power Generation wspólny rynek energetyczny UE
National energy champion;
User consumer champion;
Consumer champion body.

Dokument Parlamentu Europejskiego - wspólny rynek energetyczny UE.

A competition inquiry into activities of upstream energy suppliers, concerns over to the protection of national energy champions and some Member States' attempt to curb possible mergers and acquisitions are desirable initiatives in addition to the need to strengthen competition law in this sector.

There should be a domestic user consumer champion established in each Member State, whose responsibility would be to clamp down on unfair selling practices. (user consumer - pisownia oryginalna)

Consumers must feature much more clearly in the Commission’s thinking. Consumer organisations should have systematic access to the regulators and each Member State should develop a consumer champion body.

No time for losers
'Cause we are the champions - of the world...
Proposed translations (Polish)
3 lider


SlawekW Aug 5, 2006:
ten rzecznik tu jest chyba nie od rzeczy..:) a nawet "rzecznik interesów (konsumenta np.)"... trzeba by tylko sprawdzić, czy to jest dorzeczne we wszystkich kontekstach...
tabor (asker) Aug 5, 2006:
Dawno, dawno temu leff zaproponował "orędownika":
ale nie umiem tego jakoś sensownie wykorzystać.
A może "rzecznik"?
Champion of - someone who publicly fights for and defends an aim of principle, such as the rights of a group of people - Longman D. of Contemporary English

Proposed translations

25 mins


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