Jun 29, 2003 15:13
21 yrs ago
1 viewer *
German term

zu erwerben böswilllig unterlasst

German to English Law/Patents Director Contract
Last one from an employment contract for a director. Appears in the ban on competition section. Maybe because it's Sunday and the sun is shining outside while I'm sat at my desk working but this sentence (paragraph!) has got me tied in knots and I can't seem to make sense of it. In particular the part between ** **.

"Für jedes Jahr der Dauer des Wettbewerbverbotes nach Ablauf des Vertrages, verpflichtet sich die Gesellschaft, Herr XX die Hälfte der von ihm bezogenen Jahresvergütung gemäss Art. 5 zu zahlen. Herr XX muss sich auf die fällige Entschädigung anrechnen lassen, was er während des Zeitraumes, für den die Entschädigung gezahlt wird, durch anderweitige Verwertung seiner Arbeitskraft erwirbt oder **zu erwerben böswillig unterlasst**, soweit die Entschädigung unter Hinzurechnung dieses Betrages den Betrag der zuletzt von ihm bezogenen vertragmässigen Leistungen gem. Art. 5 um mehr als 1/10 übersteigen würde."

Phew! I must have misunderstood something because I can't see why they would want to offset income Mr XX had "willfully refrained from earning". Help??

Proposed translations

9 mins

let me try to explain,

Fiona...the whole thing is about the periode AFTER termination of the contract

The company will pay him a compensation, which will be offset by earnings from other activities - or by earnings he would have received, had he not wilfully refrained from earning something, i.o.w. had he not said to himself "The company will pay my compensation, anyway, why should I take up some other work?"

I hope this will point you in the right direction.

Note added at 2003-06-29 15:30:24 (GMT)

Since this is a non-competition clause, it might not be easy for the director to land a job after his contract runs out or is terminated. This is why he gets a compensation for the compensation period, but with many ifs and buts - the company wants him to get back into some kind of work asap so they won\'t have the pay the whole compensation. This is why they are anxious that he should take up work if it is offered to him. If he refuses to take up work on purpose (because he thinks he gets the compensation, anyway), they are absolved, if.....and so on.
Something went wrong...
14 mins

failed to earn through negligent (or culpable) omission to seek employment

I agree without Volkmar about the meaning, but that's how I'd phrase it in English
Peer comment(s):

agree LegalTrans D : That's the stuff!
2 mins
Something went wrong...
2 days 13 hrs

earns or in bad faith fails to earn

the essence, simple and direct

I can't quite sign on to the "culpability" notion.
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