Gordana Podvezanec has earned KudoZ points by translating tough terms for fellow translators. Click a point total to see term translations provided.

KudoZ points
By language pair

Working languages highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Pair Points
English to Croatian (137) 591
Croatian to English (166) 331
English to Serbo-Croat (22) 308
Serbo-Croat to English (26) 193
Spanish to English (141) 149
English to Serbian (44) 93
English to Bosnian (297) 70
Slovenian to English (25) 60
French to Serbo-Croat (2) 50
German to Croatian (4) 36
Croatian (14) 16
English to Spanish (11) 16
Bosnian to English (52) 12
Italian to Croatian (8) 12
French to Croatian (4) 11
Spanish to French (10) 9
English (4) 8
English to Italian (4) 4
German to French 4
Spanish to Croatian (4) 4
Italian to English (4) 4
Portuguese to Slovenian 4
Croatian to Spanish 4
Catalan to English 4
Serbo-Croat to French 4
German to Serbian 4
French to Bosnian (4) 4
English to French (12) 4
German to Spanish 3
French to Serbian 3
Latin to English (8) 0
HiriMotu to English (4) 0
Portuguese to French (4) 0
Italian to French (4) 0
Croatian to Italian (4) 0
Bulgarian to English (4) 0
French to Spanish (4) 0
Latin (4) 0
Macedonian to English (4) 0
Dutch to English (4) 0
zzz Other zzz to English (4) 0
Hindi to English (2) 0

KudoZ points
By field (general)

Working fields highlighted.
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
General Field Points
Tech/Engineering (149) 535
Other (608) 428
Bus/Financial (65) 414
Law/Patents (47) 233
Medical (32) 173
Social Sciences (4) 79
Art/Literary (98) 73
Marketing (18) 48
Science (24) 32

KudoZ points
By field (detailed)

Personal specialities highlighted (if reported).
Non-PRO pts in parentheses.
Detailed Field Points
Construction / Civil Engineering (8) 203
Medical (general) (4) 96
Finance (general) 79
Accounting 64
Food & Drink (8) 60
Government / Politics (8) 44
Automotive / Cars & Trucks 39
Religion (4) 36
Tourism & Travel (4) 35
Law: Contract(s) (4) 31
Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng (4) 27
Metallurgy / Casting 24
Business/Commerce (general) (8) 24
Marketing 24
Law (general) 23
Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting (8) 20
Medical: Instruments 20
Human Resources (4) 20
Psychology (12) 19
IT (Information Technology) 16
Transport / Transportation / Shipping (4) 16
Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc. 16
Energy / Power Generation 12
Internet, e-Commerce 12
Media / Multimedia (4) 11
General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters (4) 8
Architecture (4) 8
Real Estate 8
Poetry & Literature (8) 8
Economics 8
Insurance 8
Agriculture 8
Management 8
Cooking / Culinary 7
Linguistics 7
Military / Defense 4
Computers (general) 4
Geography 4
Idioms / Maxims / Sayings 4
Botany 4
Zoology 4
Medical: Pharmaceuticals 4
Law: Taxation & Customs 4
Aerospace / Aviation / Space 4
Medical: Dentistry 4
Telecom(munications) 4
Petroleum Eng/Sci (4) 4
Photography/Imaging (& Graphic Arts) 4
Engineering (general) (8) 4
Forestry / Wood / Timber 4
Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright 4
Electronics / Elect Eng (20) 4
Gaming/Video-games/E-sports 4
Advertising / Public Relations 4
Other (20) 0
Textiles / Clothing / Fashion (16) 0
Education / Pedagogy (16) 0
Environment & Ecology (8) 0
Music (6) 0
History (4) 0
Medical: Health Care (4) 0
Cosmetics, Beauty (4) 0
Retail (4) 0