Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Nov 1 '19 fra>eng suivi des déficits timing of losses (carried back, across or forward) pro closed ok
4 Oct 29 '19 ita>eng riserva per utili indivisi revenue reserve (for undistributed profits) pro closed ok
4 Oct 21 '19 ita>eng Invio avviso telematico controllo automizzato dichiarazione all'intermediario Pls. send an e-notice (electronic alert) - on an automated check of the return - to (my tax) agent pro closed ok
- Oct 21 '19 ita>eng inviata in gestione separata sent in for split-scheme handling (of 'parafiscal' > soc. sec. & welfare contributions) pro closed ok
- Sep 30 '19 ita>eng adatta alle loro particolari possibilità suited to their individual needs pro closed no
4 Sep 22 '19 esl>eng Ajuste suspensión IVPEE y IEH Adjustment made for holdover (suspension) of Electricity Generation Value & Special Hydrocarbons Tax pro closed ok
- Sep 10 '19 fra>eng CSG NON IMPOSABLES À L'IMPOT SUR LE REVENU Gen. Welfare Contribs. non-assessable to income tax (IT-deductible) pro just_closed no
- Aug 29 '19 sve>eng nyttjanderättstillgångar (user-) licensed assets; loaned assets pro closed ok
- Aug 14 '19 esl>eng bodegas de menaje, dotación, e inmobiliario storage premises with furniture, equipment as well as fixtures & fittings pro closed ok
- Aug 5 '19 fra>eng la branche à recevoir the line (of software) receivable pro closed no
- Jul 29 '19 esl>eng Muelle de caída Loading ramp pro closed no
- Jul 28 '19 esl>eng liberación de entradas release of amounts received pro closed no
- Jul 25 '19 esl>eng renombre (here) reputational value pro closed ok
- Jul 20 '19 deu>eng Devisengeldkurs currency buy rate pro closed no
4 Jul 21 '19 deu>eng Zuführungsbetrag amount allocated (or appropriated) pro closed no
- Jul 10 '19 eng>deu charge against operations (erstattungsfähige) Betriebskosten des Pachtverhältnisses pro closed ok
4 Jul 8 '19 ita>eng liquidità differite tributarie hold-over tax reliefs receivable; deferred tax receivables pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '19 ita>eng Stato Patrimoniale riclassificato col metodo finanziario Balance Sheet > liquid. Statement of Affairs > reclassified as per the discounted cashflow method pro closed ok
4 Jul 8 '19 ita>eng attivo/passivo a lungo termine tributario long-term > deferred tax assets & liabilities pro closed ok
- Jul 8 '19 ita>eng Utilizzo perdite fiscali pregresse Tax loss relief of profit > carry-forward /co. liquidation > carry-back or -across pro closed no
4 Jul 3 '19 esl>eng orden de disponibilidad y exigibilidad ranked in priority of current liquid assets and current liabilities due pro closed ok
4 Jun 17 '19 deu>eng mit der inhaltlichen Ausgestaltung im Zuge der with terms/ a tenor/ structured (arranged) in line with the Heads of Agreement/Master.... pro closed ok
- Jun 7 '19 esl>eng Estado de evolución del patrimonio neto (para SRL) Statement of movement in members' equity; (US GAAP) Statement of Retained Earnings pro closed no
- Jun 9 '19 esl>eng mantener un crédito/deuda run a a credit balance/debit balance with LLC pro closed ok
- Jun 8 '19 esl>eng exceso del valor actualizado del Capital Suscripto surplus (goodwill) arising on the restated value of the Issued Share Capital pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '19 esl>eng Devengadas Temporary (timing) differences arising over the year (or shorter accounting reference period) pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '19 esl>eng gastos con facturas por recibir expenses incurred on (invoiced) accounts receivable pro just_closed no
- Jun 6 '19 esl>eng Pérdida contable por impuesto a las ganancias Accounting deficit for (US: corporate) income tax pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '19 esl>eng Aportes jubilatorios gerenciales (BrE > D&E company) Directors' & Executives' retirement scheme contributions pro closed ok
4 Jun 6 '19 fra>eng Solde de liquidation de l'impôt à payer Balance of account of the tax payabe; (BrE: HMRC Statement of Account) Tax Balancing Charge pro closed ok
- Jun 6 '19 fra>eng frais d'acte et contentieux notarial drafting (engrossment, stamping & registration) and litigation expenses pro closed no
- Jun 4 '19 esl>eng Depósitos en garantía por alquileres (E&W) Rental deposits; (Scotland) Letting protection deposits pro closed no
- Jun 4 '19 esl>eng los resultados acumulados al inicio por diferencia patrimonial opening retained earnings on difference in the (corp.) shareholders' (sole trade: owner's) equity pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '19 esl>eng los resultados financieros devengados hasta el cierre del ejercicio (corp.) investment earnings to the year-end pro closed ok
- Jun 4 '19 esl>eng al inicio del ejercicio comparativo (adjusted) to the start of the comparative year pro closed ok
- May 31 '19 esl>eng han sido previsionados a set-aside has been made for the balancing allowance of all of the unusable tax reliefs pro closed no
- May 31 '19 esl>eng REMUNERACIONES Y CARGAS SOCIALES Remuneration payments (BrE/IrE: Emoluments) and Soc. Sec. Contribs. (AmE) Employer's Payroll Taxes pro closed ok
3 May 23 '19 por>eng Rev. de crédito contrib. social s/ imp. futuros Reversal (carry-forward) of a welfare (soc.sec./NI) contribution credit against future taxes pro closed ok
- May 23 '19 por>eng Resultado líquido p/ avaliação mais reversão Net (re-)valuation earnings (revaluation profit or loss), plus reversal (of interest on equity= pro closed no
- May 22 '19 por>eng desidratação (Crop) depletion/dehydration ('crop shrinkage') pro closed no
- May 15 '19 fra>eng Cotisations professionnelles (on a/cs) Professional subscriptions pro closed no
4 May 14 '19 fra>eng Legs & Dons en contrepartie d'Actifs immobilisés Testamentary Gifts (legacies & devises) & Lifetime Donations made in consideration of Fixed Assets pro closed ok
4 May 14 '19 fra>eng Neutralisation des dotations aux amortissements Reversal (balancing-out vs. dilution) of depreciation charges pro closed ok
4 May 1 '19 dan>eng indgang og udgang in and out/ payments in (received) and out (sent) pro closed ok
4 Apr 17 '19 por>eng à obrigação de não fazer consistente a (civil) prohibitive (restraining) injunction consisting of - *stopping that development* pro closed ok
- Apr 13 '19 deu>eng zugehen go in pro closed no
4 Apr 6 '19 deu>eng Finanz- und Betriebsbuchhaltung (CH) Financial and (Internal) Cost Accounting pro closed ok
- Mar 30 '19 dan>eng modregnes i vareforbruget transfer(-)priced to the cost of goods pro closed no
- Mar 22 '19 sve>eng migrationsdelen account-migration section (of operations/ trading) pro just_closed no
Asked | Open questions | Answered