This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Aug 25, 2014 12:05
10 yrs ago
Chinese term


Chinese to English Law/Patents Law (general) national standards
The above is an answer in a questionnaire, which asked: what suggestions do you have for implementing and applying the standards?

Proposed translations

1 hr

shifting to involvement in the state standardization of other countries with geared-up publicity.

shifting to involvement in the state standardization of other countries with geared-up publicity.
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1 hr

Transform into participating in the national standards of other countries, expand publicity effort

转化 = transform; 参与= participate; 扩大 = expand; 宣传 = publicity

Transform into participating in the national standards of other countries, expand publicity effort
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1 hr

transform into national standards of participating countries for greater publicity/exposure

Peer comment(s):

agree Phil Hand : So obvious when you say it, but I couldn't work it out!
2 hrs
agree Malcolm Mayfield : or maybe "...countries, with greater..."
1 day 8 hrs
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3 hrs

Should be incorporated into the national standards of the countries involved, and more education

Based on William Xie's reading:

Should be incorporated into the national standards of the countries involved, and more education
Peer comment(s):

agree jarv95888 : Yes. It has to be used in the passive voice.
15 mins
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9 hrs


to be (adopted-in a sense and) converted by all participating countries as national standards for further promulgation。

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