Aug 5, 2009 14:19
15 yrs ago
1 viewer *
Japanese term


Japanese to English Other History
What would be a good name for this in English?


Yo Mizuno (asker) Aug 5, 2009:
Sorry, the term is "摘果メロンの酒粕漬". Thank you!
Ramsyah Faizal Aug 5, 2009:
Unreadable characters Mizuno-san, could you provide the texts with another encoding. The characters seems unreadable.

Proposed translations

7 hrs
Japanese term (edited): 摘果メロンの粕漬け

Kasuzuke of baby melons

粕漬けはkasuzukeとしてそれなりに定着しています。普通の日本料理店ですとその後に粕漬けの説明が入りますが。『kasuzuke uses the lees (solids left over from sake brewing) as a marinade to bring the rich flavors and deep fragrances of Sake to the fish』 といった感じですね。

それをあわせて上記のKasuzuke of baby melonsを提案します。
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9 hrs

Baby melon "kasu-zuke" (baby melons pickled in sake lees) OR Baby melons pickled in sake lees

I would say "baby melons pickled in sake lees" or "baby melon "kasu-zuke" (baby melons pickled in sake lees") because the meaning of "kasu-zuke" is not immediately obviously to a native English speaker and therefore, in my opinion, more information is required.
Example sentence:

Vegetables pickled in miso or soy sauce can be found not only in Japan, but in China and other Asian countries. Those vegetables pickled in rice bran (nuka-zuke), sake lees (kasu-zuke) and koji yeast (koji-zuke), however, are unique to Japan.

Peer comment(s):

agree Yumico Tanaka (X) : YES. I once translated menu of Italian restaurant and the particular potato's name... (I forget already) seemed well known on the Internet but I translated with a minimum explanation too.
1 day 12 hrs
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