Glossary entry

Slovak term or phrase:

matkocirkevny kostol

English translation:

mother church

Added to glossary by Apolonia Vanova
Aug 7, 2004 06:05
20 yrs ago
Slovak term

matkocirkevny kostol

Slovak to English Social Sciences History
Z vnútorného zariadenia kostola sa zachoval len oltárny obraz, ktorý sa v súčasnej dobe nachádza v matkocirkevnom kostole v źubici.


Apolonia Vanova Aug 15, 2004:
Where do you go to get the hits? Could you send me the www..... address please?
Thanks in advance. A. Vanova

Proposed translations

1 day 8 hrs

maternal church or maternal sacral church

Doslovný preklad: "maternal sacral church", ale to nie je celkom správne pretože boli by uvedené dve prídavné mená, " maternal a sacral". Správný preklad je: "maternal church" kde v tomto kontexte preklad "maternal" znamená: place of origin, common origin, related to the church.
Dúfam, že toto vysvetlenie pomôže.

Note added at 1 day 8 hrs 10 mins (2004-08-08 14:16:15 GMT)

i.e. Michelangelo\'s David is in its maternal city Florence.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Maria Chmelarova : Sacral 1. tykajuci sa bohosluzieb (typ bohosluzieb), kultu 2.posvatny=sacral as holy.
10 hrs
Something went wrong...
4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "I modified your answer, mother church has 89.000 hits. Thank you. Your answer was a good lead."
14 mins

church with permanent vicarage

There subordinated church with no permanent vicarage with or without a vicarage building and superior churches with permanent vicarage and a vicarage building
Something went wrong...
7 hrs

...v knazskom kostole v Lubici

In my opinion, it is enough used word knazsky kostol. Some sites are mentioning "dcerocirkevny zbor", not kostol.In E.Slovakia, where they belong to Greeko-Catholic, or Greek Orthodox clergy.
Peer comment(s):

disagree Pro Lingua : It looks like the asker needs the English term of "matkocirkevny kostol".
5 hrs
Yes, thanks for letting me know.
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1 day 7 hrs

" with parson or vicar "... see more...

a parson as a Protestant pastor...
Here is a quote: " V roku 1924 si evanjelicki veriaci postavili v obci svoj kostol. Je zaradeny ako dcerocirkevny pod pozdisovsky
(Pozdisovce) matkocirkevny zbor. Teda nema vlastnu faru (dcerocirkevny), a knaz kazdy druhy tyzden dochadza do Samudoviec z Pozdisoviec.
In my opinion, I would do literal translation or describing what is the meaning of it.
Something went wrong...
1 day 7 hrs

" with no own porson"... see more...

a parson as a Protestant pastor..
Here is a quote " V roku 1924 si evanjelicki veriaci postavili v obci svoj kostol. Je zaradeny ako dcerocirkevny pod pozdisovsky
(Pozdisovce) matkocirkevny zbor. Teda nema vlastnu faru, a knaz kazdy druhy tyzden dochadza do Samudoviec z Pozdisoviec.
In my opinion, I would do literal translation or describing what is the meaning of it.

Note added at 1 day 7 hrs 24 mins (2004-08-08 13:29:45 GMT)

...that was honest mistake see more another post.
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