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Source text - French Les etudes menees a ce jour conduisent a deconseiller l'achat de l'ensemble de la societe XXX compte tenu des difficultes de restructuration de l'atelier tubes aluminum et du plan social qu'impliquerait cette operation. Les actionnaires on ete informes de notre souhait de ne racheter que l'atelier tubes lamines et n'ont pas rejete cette idee a ce jour.
Translation - English Studies conducted to date advise against purchasing the entire company XXX due to the difficulties associated with restructuring the aluminum tube factory and the company's plan involving in this transaction. The shareholders have been informed of our intention to only buy the plastic tube factory, and to date, have not rejected this proposal.
French to English: Legal Decision/Memorandum of Law Detailed field: Law (general)
Source text - French Ainsi, lorsque les Tribunaux francais ne sont pas competents en vertu des regles ordinaires de competence internationale, ils peuvent l'etre en vertu de l'article 14 du code civil si l'un des epoux francais et il est de jurisprudence constante que cette disposition ne peut etre tenue en (illegible) par les articles 1070 s. du NCPC qui ne donneraient pas competence aux Tribunaux francais.
Translation - English Thus, while the French courts are not competent, by virtue of the prescribed International laws of jurisdiction, they can be, in accordance with Article 14 of the civil code, if one of the spouses is French and there is ongoing case law that this provision cannot be overruled by Article 1070s. of the the NCPC which would not give the French court jurisdiction.
French to English: Computer
Source text - French La fourniture, par telephone ou par liaison electronique, d'une aide a l'identification des problemes recontres et communication des actions a entreprendre et/ou des solutions a mettre en place.
Assistance et consiels pur tous problemes en terme de: installation, fonctionnement, configuration, gestion systeme, integration, connexion de peripherique, liaison a distance, parametrage, optimisation, performance, compatibilite et interoperabilite des logiciels
Translation - English The provision, by telephone or electronic interface, of assistance in indentifying some of the problems encountered and communication of the actions to be taken and/or solutions to be put in in place.
Assistance and instruction for all problems in terms of: installation, functioning, configuration, system management, integration, perhipheral connections, remote connection, parameter settings, optimization, performance, compatibility and interaoperability of software.
French to English: Assignment of Rights to Design and Copyrights Detailed field: Law: Contract(s)
Source text - French Si a un quelconque moment, it apparait que l'une quelconque des clauses et conditions stipulees aux presentes va a l'encontre des dispositions d'un traite, d'une loi, d'une reglementation nationale or internationale, les parties s'engagent a ne pas reslier le present accord et a y apporte, dans le respect de son economie, toutes les modifications necessaires pour le mettre en harmonie avec ses dispositions sans qu'aucune indemnite ne puisse etre reclamee a ce titre de part ni d'autre.
Translation - English If, at any time, it appears that any of the clauses and conditions stipulated to in these presents runs counter to any provisions of a trade agreement, law, or national or international regulation, the parties agree not to terminate the present agreement and to make, keeping within the tenor of the agreement, all the changes necessary in order for it to comply with these provisions without either party being able to claim compensation in this regard.
French to English: Bylaws of a corporation Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - French b) Le marketing et la commercialisation de maniere exclusive pour les produits et les services des Installations a des conditions commercialement acceptables en U.S.S.R. et a l'etranger. La societe etablira des succursales et des bureaux de representations dans les pays maritimes et dans les villes, telles que Moscou, Londres, Oslo, Athenes, New-York, Hong-Kong, Tokyo et Singapour, selon les besoins et selon accord entre les parties.
c) La mise en place du financement par des prets et des credits commerciaux pour les clients etrangers des financements etrangers ou d'investissements etrangers, a des conditions commercialement acceptables, pour les Installations elles-memes, en vue de pourvoir a l'expansion et au developpement de la vente des produits et des services des Installations sur les marches etrangers.
Translation - English b) The marketing and commercialization for the products and services of the Business Units in accordance with commercially acceptable practices in the U.S.S.R. and abroad. The company will establish subsidiaries and home offices in the maritime countries and cities, such as Moscow, London, Oslo, Athens, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore according to the needs and agreement between the parties.
c) To establish financing for loans and trade credit for foreign clients of the foreign financing or investments in accordance with commercially accepted practices for the Business Units, themselves, with a goal toward expansion and development of product sales and services of these Business Units in foreign markets.
French to English: Bylaws of a corporation Detailed field: Business/Commerce (general)
Source text - French Le marketing et la commercialisation de maniere exclusive pour les produits et les services des Installations a des conditions commercialement acceptables en U.S.S.R. et a l'etranger. La societe etablira des succursales et des bureaux de representations dans les pays maritimes et dans les villes, telles que Moscou, Londres, Oslo, Athenes, New-York, Hong-Kong, Tokyo et Singapour, selon les besoins et selon accord entre les parties.
La mise en place du financement par des prets et des credits commerciaux pour les clients etrangers des financements etrangers ou d'investissements etrangers, a des conditions commercialement acceptables, pour les Installations elles-memes, en vue de pourvoir a l'expansion et au developpement de la vente des produits et des services des Installations sur les marches etrangers.
Translation - English The marketing and commercialisation for the products and services of the Business Units in accordance with commercially acceptable practices in the U.S.S.R. and abroad. The company will establish subsidiaries and home offices in the maritime countries and cities, such as Moscow, London, Oslo, Athens, New York, Hong Kong, Tokyo and Singapore according to the needs and agreement between the parties.
To establish financing for loans and trade credit for foreign clients of the Business Units and aid in establishing foreign financing or investments in accordance with commercially accepted practices for the Business Units, themselves, with a goal toward expansion and development of product sales and services of these Business Units in foreign markets.
Translation education
Other - BS -International Business/French
Years of experience: 5. Registered at May 2004.