This question was closed without grading. Reason: Answer found elsewhere
Feb 19, 2009 17:02
15 yrs ago
48 viewers *
Spanish term

Resolución de Rectoría

Non-PRO Spanish to English Law/Patents Education / Pedagogy
Hola estoy traducinedo un certificado y me gustaría saber como puedo decir que el decano de la universidad le confirió por resolución de rectoría.....el grado de magister en ciencias de la ingenieria civil"
mi intento es: "by virtue of which the Dean of the Technical University Federico Santa María granted by Rectory Resolution...the degree of..."


Priscila Parraguez Feb 26, 2009:
No sé como cerrar esta pregunta, por que cuando aprieto cerrar no pasa nada, quizás pasa por que pregunté cuando aún no tenía cuenta. Porfavor moderador ayuda.

Proposed translations

2 hrs

Resolution of the Office of the Rector

This site also suggests rectorate and rectory,
but I think "rectory" is usually used in a church context rather than higher education, and "office of the rector" sounds better to me than "rectorate" ( a lot of the google hits you'll find for that term are actually for universities in non-English-speaking countries).
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