Glossary entry

English term or phrase:

coaches to be one way of deepening content knowledge of Year 6-8 teachers.

Polish translation:

wykazał, że pomoc/wsparcie trenerów matematyki jest jednym ze sposobów pogłębienia znajomości

Added to glossary by Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D.
Mar 14, 2018 13:56
6 yrs ago
English term

coaches to be one way of deepening content knowledge of Year 6-8 teachers.

English to Polish Other Education / Pedagogy mathematics
The development of an intensive professional community of practice focused on improving student outcomes has been found to be critical to success. A 2007 exploratory study shows the importance of teacher release time to support professional learning community and networking. A 2007 study of a 2-year Professional Learning and Development Cluster focussed on statistics found associated gains for students. A 2007 study focused on sustainability demonstrated how highly effective lead teachers were forging and sustaining communities of practice in two schools. The 2007 evaluation showed teachers who received partial funding for tertiary mathematics study were constrained by lack of time and lack of school support for study. A 2007 evaluation showed achievement gains for Year 9 students but a very small impact on Year 10 student achievement of Secondary Numeracy Development Project. A 2007 Numeracy Development Project pilot found mathematics coaches to be one way of deepening content knowledge of Year 6-8 teachers.
Change log

Mar 16, 2018 17:38: Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. Created KOG entry

Proposed translations

2 hrs

wykazał, że pomoc/wsparcie trenerów matematyki jest jednym ze sposobów pogłębienia znajomości

wykazał, że pomoc/korzystanie z/ trenerów matematyki jest jednym ze sposobów pogłębienia znajomości materiału dydaktycznego przedmiotu dla nauczyciele roków szkolnych 6 -8
Mathematics coach = trener,korepetytor matematyki

one way = jeden ze sposobów
Trener matematyki. Jestem prywatnym korepetytorem z 7-letnim doświadczeniem w nauczaniu matematyki i fizyki. Posiadam tytuł magistra inżyniera Fizyki Technicznej Politechniki Poznańskiej. Uczestniczyłam w projektach realizowanych w prestiżowym University of Cambridge w Wielkiej Brytanii. Jestem certyfikowanym

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
27 mins
English term (edited): way of deepening ...

...jedyna droga/metoda/jedyny sposób pogłębienia...

Tak bym to ujął (z opcjami) - tylko dla fragmentu całego pytania.

Note added at   5 godz. (2018-03-14 19:11:53 GMT)

Korekta: jedna z dróg/metod/jeden ze sposobów...
Peer comment(s):

disagree Frank Szmulowicz, Ph. D. : To jest jednym (one of many), a nie jedynym (the only) sposobem.
1 day 35 mins
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