Nov 5, 2008 07:54
15 yrs ago
English term


GBK English to Turkish Other Wine / Oenology / Viticulture
Definition from
A tasting term. When a wine is described as having structure, the taster is referring to the tannin and acidity levels. These elements give the wine a presence in the mouth; without them wine would tend towards a flabby, fruit flavoured drink.
Example sentences:
Tannins originate from the skins of the fruit, the stems and, to a much lesser extent, oak of the barrels. They impart a ‘puckery’, astringent or sometimes bitter sensation to the wine. They also contribute to the structure and body of the wine. (
A better wine, then, isn’t bitter. Essentially, the tannins provide the structure for the wine to age, but a good, aged wine’s flavor isn’t overwhelmed by tannins. (AgroTropical Spain)
Pretty much all wine, irrespective of how its made, where its made or what grapes its made with, has certain things in common – it has fruit flavourings, it has acid, it has alcohol and, if is red, it has tannin. That’s it, that’s structure: Fruit, acid alcohol and Tannin. When people talk about structure they are talking about the interplay of these three things. (Wine guide)
Proposed translations (Turkish)
5 Şarap Yapısı
Change log

Nov 5, 2008 07:54: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 8, 2008 07:54: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Selection"

Jan 6, 2009 17:04: Mauricio Zoch


TurkishEnglish Nov 7, 2008:
Structure Denge. Ref: wine terms dictionary

Proposed translations

325 days

Şarap Yapısı

Şarabın asit, tanen, alkol, meyve gibi unsurlarının ve tadının tamamını kapsayan kavramdır.
Example sentences:
Dolgun ve kompleks yapılı şarap, uluslararası kaliteye sahip Cabernet Sauvignon türünde aranan yüzde 14 alkol oranına sahip. 2000 yılı rekoltesi 11 yaşındaki Cabernet Sauvignon asmalarından hasat edildi. (Hürriyet Gazetesi)
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