Glossary entry

French term or phrase:

toutes grandeurs d'influence confondues

English translation:

...all influencing quantities confounded

Added to glossary by Yolanda Broad
Oct 20, 2002 06:05
21 yrs ago
French term

toutes grandeurs d'influence confondues

French to English Tech/Engineering
Pour un capteur DN1 la précision de la mesure est meilleure que 5 % de l'étendue de mesure réglée, toutes grandeurs d'influence confondues.

Proposed translations

4 mins

...all influencial conditions (influencing parameters) added

Ref Termium
  – Aeroindustry
  – Constructions aéronautiques
influential conditions

grandeurs d'influence
Source FÉM

EX – error due to influential
conditions Source

EX – erreurs dues aux
grandeurs d'influence Source

Peer comment(s):

disagree Yolanda Broad : See my information, below
1 day 18 hrs
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3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
1 day 18 hrs

all influencing quantities confounded

Dear LipiSwap:

Please make use of available on-line reference works to verify answers you receive. For instance, "Le grand dictionnaire terminologique" is readily accessible on-line, as is EurodicAutom; these will take you even less time to consult than it takes you to enter a request on ProZ. The information that I gleaned, below, comes largely from those sources. May I recommend that you use ProZ to confirm your answers, once you have researched them, rather than simply relying on answers you receive?


"confondu" = taken together, or, more briefly, "confounded" (Sources: Termium; the Oxford 3-in-1; Eurodicautom; etc.)


"grandeurs d'influence," in an electrical context (not the same as an Aeroindustry context), = limiting/actuating/influencing quantity; since your context implies an aggregate, the first definition below, "influencing quantiy," would be the operative one:

From LGDT:

Domaine(s) électricité relais électrique
influencing quantity (a)
Any quantity likely to modify any of the specified characteristics of a relay (e.g.: picking up, dropping out, accuracy, etc.). (a)
grandeur d'influence n f (a)
recommandé par un organisme national ou international
Toute grandeur susceptible de modifier l'une des caractéristiques spécifiées d'un relais (action, relâchement, précision, etc.). (a)

Domaine(s) électricité appareil de mesure électrique
limiting quantity (a)
One of the quantities which affect the indications of an instrument, but which is not the one measured by the instrument. (a)
grandeur d'influence n f (a)
recommandé par un organisme national ou international
Une des grandeurs qui influent sur les indications de l'appareil, et qui n'est pas celle que l'appareil mesure. (a)

Domaine(s) électricité relais électrique
actuating quantity (a)
The electrical quantity to which a relay is intended to respond. (a)
grandeur d'influence n f (a)
recommandé par un organisme national ou international
Grandeur électrique dont dépend le fonctionnement d'un relais. (a)

Yours truly,

Yolanda Stern Broad, Ph.D.
ProZ Moderator, French to English
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