Oct 24, 2000 15:13
23 yrs ago
19 viewers *
German term

gegen Rückschein - eigenhändig

German to English Bus/Financial
Wurde die Bestätigung dem Kunden per Einschreiben gegen Rückschein - eigenhändig - zugestellt?
If you use 'by recorded delivery' for per Einschreiben, does gegen Rückschein add anything? And what does eigenhändig mean in this context?

Proposed translations

9 hrs

Proof of Delivery - Delivery Confirmation - Restricted Delivery - Personal Delivery

This is the German Postal Service list for your items:

"Eigenhändig" = "Personal Delivery

"Rückschein" = "Advice of Delivery" (It might be better not to write the word "card" because although a card is used in the German domestic postal system, it might be a sheet of paper in international service.

Here are more translations for Germany from this site:

Registered Mail in Germany
Simple registered mail ("Einwurf"= in mailbox)

Normal registered mail ("Übergabe"= via postman)

Registered mail to one person ("Eigenhändig")

Registered mail with signed reply-form ("Rückschein")

These translations for Switzerland indicate that the "Rückschein" is an "Advice of Delivery Card", which is also quite self-explanatory. "Eigenhändig" is "Delivery in Person" or "Delivery with Proof of Identity" or "Personal Delivery", so you have a choice. I guess it depends on where your text was written:

These are the US terms from the US Postal Service site:

"Rückschein" = "Delivery Confirmation" (it is accomplished through a toll-free number or the Internet, apparently not a card??????)

"Eigenhändig" = "Restricted Delivery" as Dierk said

For the United Kingdon, the following site is good:

"Rückschein" = "Proof of Delivery"

"Eigenhändig" = The British do not appear to offer such good service in this regard as the Germans and Swiss:

"The receiver but not necessarily the addressee signs for an item on delivery (it is not always possible to obtain a signature for Recorded items). We leave a 'While you were out' card if no one is available to sign for an item.
We hold an item at the local delivery office (or post office, in rural areas) for collection, and keep it for 7 days before it is returned to the sender. Optional feature
Proof of Delivery - we send you a copy of the recipient's signature. You can ask for this after posting and pay an extra fee for this service."

After looking at all the above, I think would write,

For US consumption:

"Rückschein" = "Proof of Delivery"

"Eigenhändig" = "Restricted Delivery"

and for British consumption:

"Rückschein" = "Delivery Confirmation"

"Eigenhändig" = "Personal Delivery"

- HTH - Dan
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10 mins

by registered post/mail

This would be the proper term and Rückschein doesn't add anything more. There are 2 possible ways to have the registered mail delivered in Germany:

1) The addressee receives the letter only when signing a card which is then sent back to the sender, confirming that the addressee has received the letter (this is the Rückschein). Eigenhändig here means that the postman delivers directly to the named addressee.

2) The other form is registered mail (without Rückschein) where the mail can be put into the mailbox.

This is the difference (except of course the price charged by the Post) :-))
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13 mins

return receipt - restricted delivery

These are the proper terms accoriding to the United States Postal Service (see URL), but it may apply to other English-speaking countries :->
Einschreiben mit Rückschein refers to the fact that the sender receives the proof of delivery. The return receipt shows who signed for the item and the date that it was delivered. Unless prohibited by law, the return receipt also provides the delivery address if the address on the
mailpiece is no longer correct. It can also be requested before or after mailing, except for return receipt for merchandise service.
Eigenhändig refers to the fact that the sender's mail is delivered only to a specific addressee or to someone authorized in writing to receive mail for the addressee.

Peer comment(s):

Kristina M (X)
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14 mins

Registered letter with return receipt

advice of receipt
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