Feb 24, 2012 08:07
12 yrs ago
2 viewers *
Romanian term

Soarta conjugatilor in organism (reactii de conjugare de faza a IIIa)

Romanian to English Medical Medical: Pharmaceuticals conjugati
Este vorba despre programa analitica a Facultatii de Farmacie.


Adriana Dragomir (asker) Feb 29, 2012:
Da, si mie mi s-a parut ciudat dar chiar asa suna propozitia.
Claudia Coja Feb 24, 2012:
mi se pare un pic ciudat faptul ca "Soarta conjugatilor in organism " este o formulare care nu se regaseste nicaieri -decat in aceasta postare de pe ProZ. Sigur nu e o greseala?
Cojugati=conjugates...dar "soarta" la ce se refera?

Proposed translations

36 mins

Metabolization/Modification of conjugates in the human body (phase III conjugation reactions)

Atat substantele intrate in organismul uman cat si cele endogene sunt supuse metabolizarii, adica transformarii, de aceea "soarta" se poate traduce astfel. Pentru conformitatea terminologiei folosite am adaugat doua link-uri. Inserez mai jos un citat de pe primul site:

Phase III - further modification and excretion

After phase II reactions, the xenobiotic conjugates may be further metabolised. A common example is the processing of glutathione conjugates to acetylcysteine (mercapturic acid) conjugates.

Conjugates and their metabolites can be excreted from cells in phase III of their metabolism, with the anionic groups acting as affinity tags for a variety of membrane transporters of the multidrug resistance protein (MRP) family. These proteins are members of the family of ATP-binding cassette transporters and can catalyse the ATP-dependent transport of a huge variety of hydrophobic anions, and thus act to remove phase II products to the extracellular medium, where they may be further metabolised or excreted.
Peer comment(s):

agree Irina-Maria Foray
11 hrs
Multumesc mult!
agree Claudia Coja : Makes sense:)
4 days
Multumesc mult! :-)
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer. Comment: "Multumesc mult"