Glossary entry

Spanish term or phrase:

noticias rojas

English translation:

gory news (in this context)

Added to glossary by Cecilia Gowar
Jul 5, 2010 19:20
14 yrs ago
Spanish term

noticias rojas

Spanish to English Social Sciences Journalism
Esta frase aparece en un periódico de Panamá y es dicha por el presidente al referirse a las noticias relacionadas con mucha sangre y muertes
Change log

Jul 10, 2010 14:34: Cecilia Gowar Created KOG entry


Jeanette Ng Jul 5, 2010:
Frase textual En otra ocasión calificó los noticieros de “rojos y de pacotilla”, y agregó que los noticieros se la pasan compitiendo por el rating, “por el vil real, para que el pueblo vea los atracos y asesinatos”.
Fiona Kirton Jul 5, 2010:
I agree with jairo - we need some context in order to answer this. There's no exact equivalent of 'prensa roja' in English (not that I'm aware of, at least), so how you choose to render the phrase 'noticias rojas' depends on the context and the attitude of the speaker.
Jairo Payan Jul 5, 2010:
Puedes poner la frase textual que dijo el Presidente? Sólo dijo "Noticias rojas"? Aclararía mucho tener la frase textual

Proposed translations

11 hrs

gory news

"..described the news as "cheap and gory"...
según el contexto provisto.
Yo tampoco creo que haya un equivalente exacto para "noticias rojas".
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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
16 mins

yellow journalism

Me parece que falta contexto, que fue exactamente lo que dijo el presidente? "lo puedes poner en palabras textuales"

Por otra parte y sin más contexto, me da la impresíón de que se habla del "amarillismo"
De acá proviene la expresión


También conocido en el ámbito periodístico como "periodismo de tinta roja", el amarillismo no goza de una buena reputación ni en el medio ni entre el público, ya que se lo considera una mala vía para desarrollar el periodismo,
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17 mins

shocking news (or scandalous news)

Mi sugerencia.
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1 hr

grim news

Subject seems to be either an accident with many killed and wounded or some kind of act of war with the same result.
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11 hrs

vile / bloody trash

given the additional info
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13 hrs

tabloid journalism

another option!
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12 hrs

(cheap,) sensationalist news (reporting / journalism)

Without seeing the entire sentence and more context, I think that "(de) pacotilla" could be translated as cheap and the news could be either news, reporting, or journalism - one thing if he is complaining about the content; the other if he is directing his criticism at the media. If he goes on to talk about assasinations, etc. the bloddy, gory, etc. is already there.

Note added at 1 day21 hrs (2010-07-07 17:20:08 GMT)

Example: At a January 22 meeting of the Latin American Business Council (CEAL), the president blasted the industry of which he is part owner. "The newscasts in Panama don't report news, they make news on the basis of presenting us as an unsafe country that has a great number of thefts, hold-ups and murders, and this is something that's doing great damage to us," Martinelli complained. Later he amplified his remarks, saying that visiting foreign business leaders had commented to him about the sensationalist crime-oriented news shows, complaining that all the televised gore hurts our chances of foreign investment and disparaging the things that are done in the competition for ratings.
"Morbid" and "gory" are other adjectives used in the article but the translation of President Martinelli's words was "sensationalist" in this document.
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