Asked | Open questions | Answered
Points Date Pair Term / Answer given Level Status Gloss
- Apr 20 '20 ita>rus macigno скала easy closed no
- May 13 '16 eng>rus and admire the beauty of all the colorful flowers. множество, обилие easy closed ok
3 May 20 '15 eng>rus when drinking при распитии алкогольных напитков easy closed no
- Sep 16 '14 ita>deu Alcune sue opere saranno esposte Ich würde vielleicht eher Museum für moderne Kunst schreiben easy closed ok
- Jul 9 '14 eng>deu how you made them feel welche Gefühle Sie bei ihnen ausgelöst haben easy closed no
- Jan 2 '14 rus>eng отразилось в периодике widely covered by the newspapers easy closed no
- Sep 29 '13 eng>rus Goods news! хорошие новости easy closed ok
3 Jan 2 '13 eng>deu German: Is this a proper use of "anlegt"? angelegt easy closed no
4 Sep 20 '12 eng>rus whether не...ли easy closed no
2 Jan 21 '12 eng>rus chatty article Живо написанная статья easy closed ok
- Jan 12 '12 deu>rus Biedermeier Бидермейер easy open no
NP Nov 21 '10 eng>rus Bensinger Professor Emeritus профессор Йельского университета в отставке easy just_closed no
NP Jan 8 '10 eng>rus the way it is то это так easy closed no
- Oct 24 '09 rus>eng в структуре in the group easy closed ok
- Oct 16 '09 rus>eng судьбᢾ fate easy closed ok
4 Aug 4 '09 eng>rus of her bullet wound о своем пулевом ранении easy closed ok
- Jun 29 '09 eng>rus All that pleases is but for а moment Радость (счастье) - это мгновение. Горе - это мгновение. Суть - это вечность. easy closed no
4 Jun 7 '09 ita>rus Fiat Lancia Фиат Ланча easy closed no
4 Jun 7 '09 ita>rus Puoi vincere пуой винчере easy closed ok
- Jun 7 '09 eng>rus Emilia Эмиличка, Эмилечка easy closed no
- May 27 '09 deu>rus bis ans Ende ihrer Tage жили-поживали, да добра наживали easy closed no
- May 24 '09 eng>rus I hate you and love you more than ever ja nenavizu i ljublju tebja kak nikogda easy closed no
4 May 22 '09 eng>deu old cat alte Schabracke easy closed no
- Feb 18 '09 deu>rus wunderkammer кунсткамера easy closed no
4 Nov 27 '08 eng>deu confrontational auf Konfrontation aus, auf Konfrontationskurs easy closed ok
- Aug 11 '08 eng>rus agenda планы, представления, намерения easy closed no
- Jun 28 '08 eng>eng Pulitzer read at Wiki easy closed no
- Nov 18 '07 esl>deu recitativo acompañado Sprechgesang mit (Musik)Begleitung easy closed ok
4 Nov 13 '07 eng>eng Bruno Geistler of Mittwoch Verlag GmbH Bruno Geistler is the name and Mittwoch Verlag GmbH is a publishing company easy closed ok
- Nov 6 '07 eng>eng paper skin thin skin easy closed ok
- Oct 19 '07 eng>eng once a Catholic yes, if you were catholic one time, you will be one easy closed ok
- May 25 '07 eng>eng iron will iron will is stronger than strong will and more literally easy closed ok
- May 21 '07 eng>deu We wish you all the best in your new married life... Wir wünschen Ihnen das Beste in eurer Ehe. easy closed no
- May 19 '07 rus>eng "выворачивать все наизнанку" here: to pervert the meaning easy closed ok
- Mar 20 '07 eng>rus numb еще есть: заснула easy closed ok
4 Jan 28 '07 eng>eng have not taken didn't work easy closed ok
- Jan 5 '07 eng>eng Mishpocha/Mishpochec mishpoka easy closed ok
4 Dec 1 '06 rus>eng камушек a little stone easy closed ok
- Oct 12 '06 eng>deu warlock schwarzer Hexer/ Zauberer easy closed no
- Oct 9 '06 eng>deu 'a woman's job' "Frauenposten" easy closed ok
- Oct 3 '06 eng>deu readily available to them der sie sich hingaben easy closed ok
- Oct 3 '06 eng>deu thrusting it away zu verdrängen easy closed no
- Oct 1 '06 eng>deu ...succeeded, and was killed Sein jüngerer Bruder wurde eingezogen und ... später getötet. easy closed no
4 Oct 1 '06 eng>deu landed the managership als er zum Geschäfstführer ( Laden-Manager) wurde... easy closed ok
- Oct 1 '06 eng>deu future course was set da wurde ihre Zukunft bestimmt. easy closed no
- Oct 1 '06 eng>deu dotted with bemalt mit easy closed no
- Oct 1 '06 eng>deu myriad specialities Myriaden von Stellen (anzeigen) easy closed no
- Sep 27 '06 eng>deu pushy ehrgeizig easy closed no
- Sep 27 '06 eng>deu navigated sie machte darauf aufmerksam, dass easy closed ok
Asked | Open questions | Answered