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Il Gruppo XXXXX è uno dei leader mondiali nel mercato dei beni di lusso, noto per la sua capacità di anticipare e orientare l’evoluzione dei costumi e le aspirazioni della clientela attraverso soluzioni stilistiche che nel corso degli anni si sono affermate come punto di riferimento per l’intero settore.
Con i marchi XXXXX , CCC, GGGG e TTTT, il Gruppo produce e commercializza borse, pelletteria, calzature, abbigliamento e accessori di alta qualità. Inoltre, sulla base di accordi di licenza attentamente gestiti al fine di preservare il prestigio e l’integrità dei brand, il Gruppo è attivo nel settore degli occhiali, dei profumi e della telefonia cellulare.
L’attività di XXXXX, nata a Milano nel 1913, è cresciuta negli anni secondo una scelta strategica che prevede il diretto controllo di tutte le fasi del ciclo creativo, progettuale, produttivo, distributivo, commerciale e della comunicazione, coniugando il massimo rigore qualitativo e la cura maniacale dei dettagli, tipici della produzione artigianale, con l’efficienza dei processi industriali. In questo modo il Gruppo ha sviluppato una completa padronanza di tutte le competenze specifiche necessarie a presidiare l’intera catena del valore.
In XXXXX la creatività, vero e proprio elemento qualificante di ogni attività del Gruppo, si manifesta e viene esaltata non solo dal punto di vista industriale, nella ricerca di soluzioni stilistiche innovative e nella continua sperimentazione di forme, tessuti, pellami e tecniche di produzione, ma anche dal punto di vista sociale e culturale, come dimostrano l’ideazione di modelli rivoluzionari nella vendita e nella relazione con i clienti (gli Epicentri), e il costante dialogo con il mondo dell’arte, dell’architettura, del cinema e della fotografia.
Grazie a questo approccio caratteristico, il Gruppo XXXXX si presenta come un vero interprete del lusso a livello globale, in grado di comunicare con sensibilità e stili di vita diversi in tutto il mondo e di proporre attraverso ogni prodotto una sintesi inimitabile di creatività, qualità ed esclusività.
Translation - English The XXXXX Group
The XXXXX Group is one of the world leaders in the luxury goods market, renowned for its capacity to anticipate and guide the changing trends and aspirations of its customers through stylistic solutions that over the years have been marked out as a point of reference for the entire sector.
The Group produces and markets handbags, leather goods, footwear, clothing and high-quality accessories, under the XXXXX, CCC, GGGG and TTTT brands. Similarly, based on licensing agreements carefully managed in order to preserve the brands’ prestige and integrity, the Group is active in the glasses, perfume and mobile phone sectors.
Founded in Milan in 1913, XXXXX’s activities have grown over the years in line with a strategic plan that foresees the direct control of all stages of the creative, design, production, sales, distribution and communications cycle, bringing together the most rigorous quality controls and the finest attention to detail typical in the production of handcrafted products, with the efficiency of industrial processes. In this way, the Group has mastered the necessary expertise to safeguard the entire value chain of its products.
In XXXXX, creativity is a truly decisive characteristic of each one of the Group’s activities. It is expressed and encouraged not only from an industrial perspective, in the research for innovative style solutions and continued experimentation with shapes, fabrics, leathers and production techniques, but also from a social and cultural point of view. This is demonstrated in the thinking behind the Group’s revolutionary models in sales and customer relations, i.e. the XXXXX epicentres, and its constant exchange of views with the world of art, architecture, cinema and photography.
As result of this distinctive approach, the XXXXX Group is seen at the global level as a true interpreter of luxury trends, able to communicate with people with different outlooks and lifestyles around the world, and to propose, through each product, a unique solution for creativity, quality and exclusivity.
Portuguese to English: Journalism - Politics and elections
Source text - Portuguese PORTUGUESE SOURCE TEXT:
Quando votamos e o nosso partido não venceu as eleições, acabamos por fazer parte da oposição sim, também nós os eleitores, confiando o poder respectivo ao nosso voto nos políticos que nos representam. Ora, a oposição – que como a própria terminologia define – tem a escolha de fazer frente ao poder, criando barreiras às acções defendidas pelos políticos no poder, ou de apoiar as decisões quando estas favorecem os interesses da população.
Uma oposição ‘por princípio’ contribui para que o nosso planeta se enterre mais e mais profundamente nos vícios que o conduzem à autodestruição. No contexto do desenvolvimento sustentável do planeta está muito claro e é técnica e cientificamente consensual que a todos os níveis os nossos comportamentos têm de mudar. É necessário um esforço de concertação ao nível dos nossos políticos, de solidariedade entre as populações e de cooperação entre os actores económicos da nossa sociedade para se poderem criar as condições para a mudança de comportamentos que é imprescindível.
O novo filme ‘Uma Verdade Inconveniente’ de Al Gore diz-nos que temos 10 anos para evitar que a autodestruição do nosso planeta se torne uma realidade irreversível. Poderá ser
verdade ou não – mas o que é certo é que não temos o direito de roubar às gerações vindouras a possibilidade de viverem – todas as pessoas - com a mais alta qualidade de vida que a nossa civilização lhes pode proporcionar. E se continuarmos a contaminar os ecossistemas e a abusar dos recursos do planeta, ao ritmo que o estamos a fazer hoje, vamos certamente ser julgados como antepassados criminosos, isto partindo do pressuposto que na altura do julgamento o ser humano não é uma das espécies extintas…
Para a sociedade ter ascondições que precisa para mudar também a oposição política precisa de seassociar àquelas acções relevantes que permitem o desenvolvimento rumo à sustentabilidade da sociedade que representam.
Translation - English ENGLISH TARGET TEXT:
When we vote and our party does not win the elections, we end up becoming ‘the opposition.’ This is what happens to us, as voters, when we entrust the power relating to our vote in the politicians representing us. The ‘opposition,’ as the name suggests, now have the choice of facing up to the ruling party, obstructing the policies implemented by the politicians in power, or supporting their decisions when they are in the interest of the public.
To oppose ‘on principle’ only means that our planet will bury itself deeper and deeper in the wrongdoings that drive it to self-destruction. In the context of the planet’s sustained development, it is totally obvious, and scientifically and technically recognised, that our behaviour has to change at all levels. In order to create the right conditions for the necessary changes in human behaviour a consolidated effort from our politicians is needed, as is solidarity between nationalities, and cooperation amongst our societies’ economic players.
The new film directed by Al Gore, ‘An Inconvenient Truth,’ tells us that we have ten years left to prevent the self-destruction of our planet from becoming an irrevocable reality. This may or may not be true, but what is certain is that we do not have the right to deprive future generations, and all people, of the opportunity to live the best quality life that our civilisation can provide for them. If we continue to pollute ecosystems and to overuse the planet’s natural resources at the rate at which we are doing today, we are definitely going to be judged as the criminals ancestors, assuming that on Judgement Day human beings are not one of the species already extinct.
For society to achieve the conditions needed in order to change, the political opposition needs to back relevant policies that support development aimed at the sustainability of the society that they represent.
Spanish to English: Business report
Source text - Spanish XXXXX Telecom es una operadora global de
servicios, líder en Portugal en los sectores en los
que opera. Es además, la entidad portuguesa con
mayor proyección nacional e internacional. En
los últimos años, ha diversificado su porfolio de
negocio, siendo la calidad y la innovación los
aspectos más destacados de su actividad de
negocio. La compañía desarrolla sus servicios de
telecomunicaciones especialmente en Brasil y
Portugal, pero también mantiene negocio en
países como Marruecos, Guinea Bissau, Cabo
Verde, Mozambique, Timor Oriental, Angola,
Kenia, China, Santo Tomé y Príncipe y Namibia.
Un centro de operaciones de seguridad que
proporcione a la compañía una infraestructura
potente y escalable, capaz de monitorizar y
reconvertir los servicios SOC existentes del
grupo para mejorar el servicio a sus clientes de
todo el mundo, al mismo tiempo que asegure los
más altos estándares de control en seguridad
YYYYY ha ayudado a XXXXXX Telecom a
desarrollar su centro de operaciones de seguridad
ya existente, planificando, diseñando e integrando
una plataforma de gestión de eventos de
seguridad, con el que XXXXX Telecom
consolidará y ampliará su oferta de servicios al
mercado empresarial, especialmente en áreas
críticas como la seguridad.
Breakthrough: “XXXXX Telecom amplía sus
servicios al mercado empresarial con un
potente centro de operaciones de seguridad”
Translation - English XXXXXX Telecom is a global services operator
and a leading company in all the sectors in which
it operates in Portugal. Additionally, it has the
greatest national and international presence of
any Portuguese company. In recent years it has
diversified its business portfolio, with quality and
innovation being the most salient aspects of its
business activity. The company has developed its
telecommunications services in Brazil and
Portugal in particular, but also operates in
countries such as Morocco, Guinea Bissau, Cape
Verde, Mozambique, East Timor, Angola, Kenya,
China, Sao Tome and Principe and Namibia.
Imagine it
A security operations centre that provides the
company with a powerful and scalable
infrastructure, capable of monitoring and
restructuring the group’s existing SOC services in
order to improve its customer services around the
world, at the same time ensuring the highest
control standards for internal security.
YYYYY has helped XXXXXX Telecom develop
its existing security operations centre by
planning, designing and integrating a
management platform for security incidents, with
which XXXXXX Telecom will consolidate and
expand its service offering to the business
market, particularly in critical areas such as
Breakthrough: “XXXXX Telecom is
expanding its services to the business market
with a powerful security operations centre”
Italian to English: Financial report
Source text - Italian I Piccoli operatori economici (Poe) italiani, ovvero le imprese con meno di 10 addetti e/o 2,5 milioni di euro di fatturato, hanno registrato nel 2006 un incremento nel numero degli investitori (che salgono dal 39% al 43%, registrando un +10,26%) rispetto all’anno precedente, favoriti dalla ripresa dell’economia italiana dopo quattro anni di sostanziale stagnazione. Pur trattandosi di un valore molto al di sotto dei dati registrati negli anni precedenti al 2005, segna una significativa inversione di tendenza rispetto all’ultimo anno, alla quale si aggiunge l’incremento delle intenzioni di investimento per il 2007, a dimostrazione del fatto che nel corso dell’anno le aspettative di un numero consistente di imprese si sono modificate in senso positivo.
Gli investimenti dei Poe hanno privilegiato maggiormente gli investimenti immateriali a discapito di quelli materiali. Gli investimenti in immobili e macchinari hanno fatto registrare performance molto limitate, mentre vi è stato un aumento degli investimenti nella formazione e nella comunicazione, nonché nella ricerca di nuovi mercati e nello sviluppo di nuovi prodotti.
Nell’ambito degli investimenti materiali, le attività finalizzate all’ambiente e alla sicurezza sul posto di lavoro e all’informatizzazione hanno ottenuto molta attenzione da parte dei Poe, segno della volontà delle imprese di dotarsi di risorse competitive di lungo periodo.
L’andamento del mercato del credito rivolto all’intero segmento di imprese (società non finanziarie ed imprese individuali) ha registrato nel corso del 2006 una crescita consistente, che giunge a conferma del ritrovato clima di positività e consolida il trend iniziato nel 2005. Nel corso del 2006 le imprese di più grandi dimensioni sono ricorse maggiormente al credito, beneficiando delle condizioni ancora favorevoli intermini di costo del denaro. Nel 2006 i Poe hanno privilegiato le forme di finanziamento a media e lunga scadenza, grazie a un costo del debito che si mantiene ancora abbastanza contenuto, sebbene nelle forme di finanziamento a lungo termine sia stato registrato un leggero calo (dal 15,9% di giugno al 13,6% di settembre).
Questi sono gli aspetti principali che emergono dalla nona edizione dell’Osservatorio sulla Finanza per i Piccoli Operatori Economici, il rapporto frutto della collaborazione tra XXX e XXX che fornisce con scadenza semestrale informazioni strutturate sulle microimprese italiane.
Translation - English In 2006, small Italian businesses, or rather businesses with less that 10 employees and/or a turnover of 2.5 million euros, recorded an increase in their number of investors compared to the previous year. Investors were encouraged by economic recovery in Italy after four years of considerable stagnation. Investors rose from 39% to 43%, recording an increase of 10.26%. Whilst this is way below the figures recorded for the years preceding 2005, it indicates a significant trend reversal when actually compared to 2005, to which can be added the increase in investment intentions for 2007. This demonstrates that over the course of the year the expectations of a considerable number of businesses have changed in a positive way.
Small Businesses' investments have mainly favoured intangible investments at the expense of tangible. Investments in plant and equipment have registered a very limited performance, whilst there has been increased investment in training and communications, as well as in research into new markets and the development of new products.
In the area of tangible investments, activities aimed at the environment, safety in the work place, and computerisation, have received considerable attention from small businesses. This is an indication that the companies want to equip themselves with competitive, long-term resources.
The performance of the credit market relating to the entire business sector, (non-financial businesses and individual businesses), has recorded steady growth throughout 2006, confirming a climate of renewed optimism and reinforcing the trend started in 2005. During 2006, it was primarily the largest businesses that opted for loans, benefiting from conditions that were still favourable in terms of the price of borrowing. In 2006, small businesses favoured medium and long-term methods of financing, owing to a still relatively restrained cost of borrowing. However, a moderate decrease was recorded in long-term methods of financing, which fell from 15.9% in June to 13.6% in September of that year.
These are the main points that emerge from the 9th edition of the Observatory of European SMEs. This report, resulting from the collaboration between XXX and XXX, provides structured information on Italian micro-businesses on a twice-yearly basis.
Portuguese to English: Press release - biodeisel powerboat
Quer esteja à procura daquele presente difícil para alguém que já tem tudo; precisa de encontrar alguma coisa realmente especial para um amigo; ou se quiser aceitar um desafio único na vida, então precisa de começar desde já a poupar para uma viagem na xxx!
Um dos mais rápidos e ecológicos barcos a motor do mundo, com a capacidade de submergir até sete metros, irá partir de Valência, Espanha em Março de 2008 numa tentativa de estabelecer um novo recorde de velocidade com barco a motor na circum-navegação do globo.
Este incrível trimarã de design neo-zelandês, que se assemelha a uma nave espacial marítima, funciona com biodiesel a 100 % com pegada de carbono zero, fazendo desta embarcação não só a mais incrível, mas também a mais ecológico do mundo!
O capitão da xxx, xxx, acabou de anunciar que está disposto a partilhar a experiência com outros ao adicionar uma outra pessoa à tripulação de quatro pessoas em cada etapa da corrida, escolhida entre membros do público que estejam dispostos a participar e enfrentar o trabalho árduo.
Os preços iniciam-se nos $20,000/£10,000 para uma ou mais das etapas curtas, não incluindo transferências de e para os portos. Algumas etapas serão leiloadas na imprensa internacional para angariar fundos adicionais para a xxx, que funciona como uma iniciativa não lucrativa, tendo como objectivo a promoção de energias renováveis. Todos os membros 'visitantes' da tripulação serão convidados para participar na festa da vitória em Valência.
Uma tentativa bem sucedida da xxx irá marcar a primeira vez na história que um recorde mundial em barco a motor da UIM é batido usando apenas combustível renovável. O recorde actual foi estabelecido por uma embarcação britânica chamada Cable and Wireless Adventurer em 1998, demorando 75 dias para completar a viagem; os planos da xxx são de o fazer em apenas 65 dias!
Xxx afirmou, “Circum-navegar o globo representa o ponto mais alto dos desafios com barco a motor e, com mais de 24,000 milhas náuticas, é também a corrida mais longa do mundo. Gostaria muito de conhecer alguém que quisesse fazer parte desta incrível experiência…significa muito trabalho, as pessoas precisam de estar em forma e ser saudáveis e dormir a bordo não é exactamente como dormir num hotel cinco estrelas mas será uma viagem que nunca esquecerão!”
Após a tentativa de bater o recorde, a xxx e a sua tripulação irão iniciar uma nova temporada de apresentações em mais cidades da Europa e da Ásia, antes do regresso a casa à Nova Zelândia no fim de 2008. Isto possibilitará à equipa continuar a utilizar os atributos ambientais únicos da xxx para consciencializar as pessoas para a utilização de biocombustíveis e energias sustentáveis.
Whether you are searching for that elusive gift for someone who has it all, you need to find something really special for a friend, or you want to take part in a once-in-a-lifetime challenge, you will need to start saving now for a trip on xxx!
One of the fastest and most eco-friendly powerboats on this planet, capable of submarining for 7 metres underwater, will set sail from Valencia, Spain, in March 2008, in a bid to set the new powerboat speed record for circumnavigating the globe.
This revolutionary, New-Zealand designed trimaran, which resembles a sea-faring spaceship, is fuelled by 100% biodiesel with a net zero carbon-footprint, making this not only the most cutting-edge, but also the most eco-friendly boat in the world!
Xxx skipper, xxx, has just announced that he is ready to share the experience with other people by adding one extra person to the four-man crew for each leg of the race, chosen from members of the public who are willing to join in and work hard.
Prices start at $20,000/£10,000 for one or more shorter legs of the tour, not including transfer to or from the ports. Some legs will be auctioned in the international press to raise additional funds for xxx, which operates as a non-profit-making initiative, aimed at promoting renewable energies. All ‘guest’ crew members will be invited to take part in the victory party in Valencia.
A successful attempt by xxx will mark the first time in history that a world record has been broken in a UIM powerboat using only renewable fuels. The current record was set by a British craft called Cable and Wireless Adventurer in 1998, taking 75 days to complete the trip. Xxx plans to do the trip in only 65 days.
Xxx said: “Circumnavigating the globe represents the ultimate in powerboat challenges, and at over 24,000 nautical miles, it is also the world’s longest race. I would be delighted to meet someone who wants to take part in this awesome experience - it involves a lot of hard work, people need to be fit and healthy, and sleeping onboard is not exactly like sleeping in a five-star hotel. However, it will be a trip they never forget!”
After the bid to break the world record, xxx and her crew members will begin a new tour of presentations in more European and Asian cities, before returning home to New Zealand at the end of 2008. This will enable the team to continue using the environmental attributes unique to xxx to increase awareness of biofuels and sustainable energies.
Italian to English: Technical - sonar equipment
Source text - Italian
Gli Trinity III e le Balene
Cosi’ come con un piccolo oscilloscopio ed un idrofono e’ possibile catturare il ‘canto’ di un grande mammifero marino ed analizzarne il contenuto nel dominio del tempo e della frequenza per distinguere il fischio di un delfino dal gemito di una balenottera azzurra o separare la vocalizzazione di una balenottera azzurra da quella di una balenottera minore, allo stesso modo e’ possibile catturare i vostri particolarissimi segnali, esplorarli, valutarli sfruttando le potenzialita’ di uno strumento basato su una interfaccia intuitiva e l’estrema facilita’ d’uso che ne consegue.
Servitevi del mouse per tracciare un riquadro intorno all’area di interesse del segnale acquisito che desiderate ingrandire, quindi fate un clic all’interno: eseguirete uno zoom con la stessa rapidita’ con cui ingrandireste un’immagine grafica al PC.
Translation - English
The Trinity III series and whales
Using a small oscilloscope and a hydrophone, a large marine mammal’s ‘song’ can be captured and its contents analysed by duration and frequency in order to distinguish a dolphin's whistle from the blue whale’s moan, or differentiate the vocalisation of a blue whale from that of a minke whale. Similarly, you can capture your highly distinctive signals, investigate and evaluate them, by maximising the potential of an instrument based on an intuitive interface making it extremely easy to use.
Use the mouse to draw a box around the area of interest of the captured signal you wish to amplify, then click inside it. Zoom in at the same speed with which you would enlarge a graphic image on a PC.
Italian to English: Telecommunications
Source text - Italian
Ottimizzazione del traffico internazionale
“Da quando abbiamo installato l’applicativo CPM fornitoci da Agilent Technologies siamo in grado di intervenire in tempo reale sulle politiche di instradamento del traffico internazionale e di rilevare eventuali problemi ancora prima che i nostri clienti se ne accorgano,” spiega Carlo.
“Grazie a CPM possiamo osservare in tempo reale il tasso delle chiamate che vanno a buon fine oppure no per ogni direttrice internazionale o per ogni operatore interconnesso. In caso di degrado della qualità del servizio su alcune direttrici o su alcuni operatori possiamo intervenire sulle nostre politiche di instradamento ripartendo il traffico in modo diverso, in quanto per ogni direttrice abbiamo sempre a disposizione più operatori in grado di farsene carico. CPM è un ottimo strumento anche per verificare la qualità del servizio offerta dagli operatori nostri partner e per verificare la rispondenza del loro servizio ai parametri definiti in sede contrattuale.
Translation - English
Optimisation of international traffic
“Since installing the Call Performance Manager (CPM) application supplied to us by Agilent Technologies, we have been able to intervene in real time for international traffic routing policies and identify any problems before our customers are even aware of them,” explains Carlo.
“Thanks to CPM, we can observe in real time the rate of calls that succeed or fail via every international route or via every interconnecting operator. If there is a decline in the service quality on any of the routes or operators, we can alter our routing policies and apportion the traffic differently, so that for every route we always have more operators available who are able to maximise efficiency. CPM is also a great tool for checking the quality of service offered by our partner operators and for ascertaining whether the service levels respond to the parameters defined in the service level agreement.
Portuguese to English: Business profile
Source text - Portuguese Especialista em classificação, degustação e controle de qualidade de café, XXXXX tem mais de 30 anos de experiência no agronegócio café.
Durante os doze anos em que atuou junto ao Grupo YYYY, XXXXX se dedicou à classificação e degustação de cafés. Desenvolveu e implantou o controle qualitativo de café da empresa e foi responsável pelo controle de qualidade de todas as unidades do Grupo YYYY, em Genebra, na Suíça.
Em catorze anos de atuação na CCCCC, empresa do Grupo DDDDD, XXXXX se destacou como especialista em processamento de cafés e controle de qualidade do café em todas as etapas do processamento pós-colheita. Foi Gerente Comercial e Industrial e como Diretor participou ativamente da gestão de duas propriedades da empresa.
Exímio provador de cafés, XXXXX é "cupper" certificado pela Specialty Coffee Association of America (SCAA) e participa como Juiz em diversas competições de qualidade de café, tanto no Brasil quanto no exterior. É presidente do Júri internacional do concurso de qualidade Cup of Excellence, um dos mais prestigiados do setor, que premia anualmente os melhores cafés de cada país.
XXXXX é referência no cenário cafeicultor nacional, contribuindo especialmente para o mercado de cafés da Bahia, onde atua como Presidente do Centro de Comércio do Café da Bahia e Presidente da Associação dos Produtores de Café da Bahia.
Translation - English XXXXX, specialist in the classification, sampling and quality control of coffee, has more than 30 years of experience in the coffee agri-business sector.
During the twelve years in which he worked for the YYYY Group, he was devoted to the classification and sampling of coffees. He developed and implemented the company’s coffee quality control, and was responsible for the quality control of all the units of the YYYY Group, based in Geneva, Switzerland.
In the fourteen years he worked for CCCCC, a subsidiary of the DDDDD Group, XXXXX was singled out as a specialist in coffee processing and quality control of coffee at all post-harvest stages of the coffee production process. It was as Commercial and Industrial Manager, and Director of the company, that he took an active role in the management of two of the company’s coffee plantations.
XXXXX is an esteemed sampler of coffees, and certified as a “cupper” by the Speciality Coffee Association of America (SCAA), taking part as a judge in various coffee quality competitions, both in Brazil and abroad. He is President of the international jury for the Cup of Excellence coffee quality competition, one of the most prestigious competitions in the sector, awarding the best coffees of a different country every year.
XXXXX sets the standards of the national coffee grower scene, particularly contributing to the Bahia coffee market, where he is President of the Trade Organisation of Bahia, and President of the Association of Bahia Coffee Producers.
Spanish to English: Business - corporate restructuring project General field: Bus/Financial Detailed field: Management
Para lograr el mejor resultado de este trabajo, se conformara un Comité Directivo, cuyas atribuciones se enmarca en la demarcación de lineamientos para el proyecto, establecer objetivos, asegurar la calidad de los entregables, analizar y reflexionar sobre las recomendaciones y tomar decisiones sobre el curso de la reestructuración corporativa.
Se establecerá un equipo “Proyecto de Reestructuración Corporativa”(PRC) donde se designara a un director quien es el encargado de administrar el proyecto y asegurar de la entrega de todos los objetivos acordados por el Comité Directivo.
Finalmente para el desarrollo del proyecto y el desarrollo de las diferentes áreas y/o eslabones de la cadena hidrocarburifera, se podrán establecer equipos mixtos y multidiciplinarios de trabajo que dependerán del equipo PRC, cuya composición podrá variar por temática y en representantes de los actores de la corporación, con quienes se analizará e investigará asuntos específicos de la corporación.
De manera transversal la empresa consultora deberá considerar los técnicos expertos necesarios para trabajar en los diferentes equipos, quienes proporcionaran sus conocimientos específicos, experiencia laboral y apoyo de gestión, en coordinación del Director del Equipo PRC.
To achieve the best result from this work, a Steering Committee shall be formed that shall be responsible for determining the project's guidelines and establishing its objectives, ensuring the quality of deliverables, analysing and reflecting on recommendations and deciding on the course of the corporate restructure.
A "Corporate Restructuring Project" (CRP) team shall be established that shall appoint a director who shall be responsible for managing the project and ensuring that all the objectives agreed by the Steering Committee have been met.
Finally, for development of the project and different areas and/or points in the hydrocarbon chain, joint and multidisciplinary working teams shall be established. These teams shall depend on the CRP and their composition may vary according to the subject and the representatives of the company’s stakeholders with whom specific company issues shall be analysed and investigated.
The consultancy firm must transversally consider the expert technical agents who shall be required to work in the various teams and who shall provide their expertise, experience and management support in coordination with the Director of the CRP team.
Spanish to English: Spanish Legal Translation - Provision of Liquid Petroleum Gas (LPG) General field: Law/Patents Detailed field: Energy / Power Generation
Se nos requiere analizar si para la terminación del Contrato entre XXXX y
ZZZZZ, al vencimiento del plazo, esto el 30 de abril de 2011, existió un acuerdo
o aceptación de XXXX. Al respecto cúmpleme manifestar lo siguiente:
1. El 9 de Julio de 2009 ZZZZZ gana una licitación convocada por XXXX para proveer a partir del 1 de Noviembre de 2009 y hasta el 30 de abril de 2011, 1.300.000 toneladas de GLP mas /menos 20% quedando a potestad del Contratante (XXXX) dicha decisión (clausula 5.01)
2. Posteriormente a la adjudicación y al comienzo de las entregas, el mercado cambia fundamentalmente de manera inesperada, modificando todas las relaciones de precios históricamente existentes, lo cual causa importante perjuicios a ZZZZZ, que a pesar de ello cumple cabalmente el contrato. XXXX acepta que existía esta situación superviniente de un incremento en el precio del GLP en el mercado (así lo expresa a PETROECUADOR, su comprador final).
3. Hacia octubre de 2010, cuando ya se hace insoportable la pérdida, ZZZZZ inicia conversaciones con XXXX para terminar por mutuo acuerdo el mencionado Contrato, según la clausula 31.02 del contrato.
XXXX, a pesar de conocer la situación del mercado, manda el 13 de enero de 2011 una nota diciendo que quiere recibir 20% del volumen básico, pero precisamente por que conocía la situación del mercado SOLICITA EXPRESAMENTE LA CONFORMIDAD DE ZZZZZ (solicitud a la que no estaba obligada contractualmente, ya que era su opción el solicitar el más 20 % de acuerdo a la cláusula.
We are required to assess whether, for the termination of the contract between XXXX and ZZZZZ, with expiry of its term on 30 April 2011, an agreement or acceptance existed on the part of XXXX. For this purpose, I wish to report the following:
1. On 9 July 2009, ZZZZZ was the winning bidder of a tender called by XXXX for the provision, from 1 November 2009 until 30 April 2011, of 1.3 million tonnes of LPG /- 20%, with the aforementioned decision (clause 5.01) remaining under the authority of the Contracting Party (XXXX).
2. Subsequent to the award and start of deliveries, the market changed in a dramatic and unexpected way, modifying all historically existing price ratios, which consequently caused major damage to ZZZZZ, which despite such damage, remained in full compliance with the contract. XXXX acknowledged that the supervening situation of a price increase of LPG existed on the market (this was stated to PETROECUADOR, its end buyer).
3. By October 2010, when the loss had become unbearable, ZZZZZ initiated talks with XXXX to terminate the aforementioned Contract by mutual agreement, in accordance with clause 31.02 of the contract.
XXXX, despite its awareness of the market situation, sent a letter on 13 January 2011 stating it wished to receive 20% of the base volume, however specifically because it was aware of the market situation, it EXPRESSLY REQUESTED ZZZZZ’S AGREEMENT (a request to which it was not bound under contract, as it was its choice to request 20%, in accordance with clause 5.01).
Translation education
Master's degree - University of Westminster
Years of experience: 14. Registered at Jan 2007.
Spanish to English (University of Westminster, verified) Portuguese to English (University of Westminster, verified) Italian to English (University of Westminster, verified)
Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Photoshop, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Powerpoint, SDLX, Trados Online Editor, Trados Studio, XTM
English mother tongue, working with the following language combinations:
Portuguese -> English
Italian -> English
Spanish -> English
Catalan -> English
I have translated almost 14 million source words (2007 to date) , in addition to many proof reading projects. My agencies have told me they consider me an expert in my field.
MA in Technical and Specialised Translation (Spanish, Portuguese, Italian)
BA degree in Spanish and Italian (First Class Hons)
Catalan B1 passed and currently studying B2 Consorci per a la Normalització Lingüística, Barcelona.
TRADOS Studio 2017 user.
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Background: I have worked for 15 years as a freelance translator.
Thanks to my previous careers, I have highly developed writing skills in English, and in-depth knowledge of business, technical, finance and legal areas of translation.
Over the years I have gained experience working in marketing and business development. I have experience in editing and writing crisp, clear, comprehensible English. I have also gained advanced computer and IT skills.
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Translation experience: I have translated a variety of texts in the following fields:
Legal: Articles of Association, court disputes and rulings, legislation, gambling regulations, legal mandates, court summons, employment contracts, data protection, trademark disputes.
Reviewing, proof-reading: I have reviewed a number of documents in the same fields as above. I am familiar with MS Word Track Changes and Comments.
RECENT SUBJECT AREAS: energy sector regulations and disputes, gambling regulations, legal mandates, invitations to tender and tender specifications, court summons, insurance and employment contracts, corporate branding, engineering (bridge construction, Panama canal remedial works), LAN networks, telecommunications, data migration, IT, telecommunications, oil and gas.
SPECIALISATION: texts of a legal and technical nature including technical specifications, gambling regulations, tender contracts, leases, employment law, regulations, insurance contracts, certificates, technical proposals, telecommunications, IT, data migration and computing, engineering, marketing and product innovation.
LECTURER: conducted workshops on Internet research for MA translation students at the University of Westminster
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Spoken skills: I am a fluent speaker of Spanish and Portuguese, having lived in Barcelona and Rio de Janeiro, and have travelled extensively through Central and South America. I also speak Italian, having spent time in Italy.
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Equipment: TRADOS STUDIO 2017, iMac, PC and laptop, broadband wireless Internet, smartphone, printer, scanner, MS Office 2010, Photoshop CS2, Adobe Acrobat.